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The Eagle has not landed in NewYork

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Blooming Grove here. I ordered in September of '99, so I was hoping today would be the day. We don't have delivery, either - just the stupid PO boxes, so if my wife doesn't get the mail before 5, I get no mail...



CrapGame out

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Good idea. I'm going to give it a shot - just got to call information first.

Getting together over CM and a beer sounds good, that way you can see my expressions of agony as my troops get slaughtered!

I'll post tonite if I have anything. (cross fingers)


CrapGame out

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And on the 19th day of June, the Lord looked out at all he had done, and saw that is was good. Combat Mission is in Blooming Grove! I sit typing this with my celebratory snifter of Talisker Single Malt in Hand. Alas I must go, as a large install and modpack are awaiting my attention. Will log back in after install to answer questions if you got any.


CrapGame out

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What do you want to see? I'll try to take a print screen of stuff if you want, but I don't want to give any spoiler stuff. Want a screen of a quick battle with specific vehicles or something like that? I just played one. FANTASTIC!


CrapGame out

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