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Advance to contact in woods/forests

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Guys, after your opinions and advice here - how do YOU go about advancing in heavily forested areas? Split a squad, send `em in on point to check out the ground or go in mob-handed in case you trigger a defence line?

I use the move and/or sneak comand if I suspect enemy activity but still seem to suffer heavy casualties.


"No Regrets"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>how do YOU go about advancing in heavily forested areas? Split a squad, send `em in on point to check out the ground or go in mob-handed in case you trigger a defence line?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My advice, avoid woods if at all possible!

If not, then lead with half squad scouts, uncover his locations, then assault his flank in force. Works for me, but I still try to avoid going through woods... also, if you suspect that there may be enemy units in a wood line, hit it with mortar/arty before sending any scouts in... that will wake em up!


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In woods I advance infantry as follows: half the force in front, the other half close behind, but not too close. The leading units always advance crawling. When the enemy is contacted, lead units stop, hiding, and the rest catch up, crawling. When all are together, all advance crawling. I then try to bring a superior force in contact with the enemy.

Once the enemy has been found, I try to flank him, always crawling. If he is far enough away, I try to hit him with mortar fire before advancing.

I never use sneak or move in woods. Its suicidal.

Good Luck,

Rob C.


"Freedom is not a right. It is a privilege bought and paid for with the blood of patriots." Robert A. Heinlein in Starship Troopers

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The only problem with RobC's procedure is that CRAWLing tends to tire your troops out VERY quickly. I recall Steve saying that CRAWL is the second-most tiring movement method, after FAST. I've noticed this in my games, ESPECIALLY with support weapons. In a recent vs-AI game of VoT I had positioned some PS teams just below the crest of a hill, waiting for a shot at approaching armor. At the best time I could judge I started the PS teams CRAWLing forward to hopefully get LOS/clear shots during the upcoming movie. I started up the movie and was astonished when the PS teams became TIRED when still halfway between their layback positions and fire positions.

I use short MOVE commands, making sure to let squads get no more than 20m from each other, with frequent stops to "dress the line" (if that is the correct term) and it works pretty well for me, at least vs. the AI's German troops in CE. I've several times moved the entire US infantry force onto the big wooded ridge, and used them as a squeegee to mop all the German troops off.


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