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This the review and it is a VERY good one

Its copywriten so I hope I don't get in trouble for posting it here:

Combat Mission is essentially a turn-based wargame. But don’t

click away yet; this wargame is

unlike any that have come before.

It depicts small --a handful of

tanks, a couple of hundred men--

World War II skirmishes in Europe.

The few of you who have played

Avalon Hill’s Advanced Squad Leader board game

should get the picture, the thousand of you who haven’t

must imagine intensely brutal fire fights between

German SS and British Tommies (infantry), American

Sherman tanks and German King Tigers. The ROM

includes units from six armies and hundreds of

weapons, but who cares? It’s all been done before.

What hasn’t been done is how the SS, Tommies,

Shermans, and King Tigers are thrown into combat and

the way they look once there.

Lets look at the look first, and the combat next. The

terrain and units are 3D. Now I’m not talking pretty,

gee-look-at-the-little-swordsmen 3D, but

those-trees-block-my-cannon’s-sight 3D. The Combat

Mission landscape is full of undulating hills,

meandering rivers, forests, buildings (several kinds),

railroad tracks, marshes, stone walls --in short real

world stuff. And, unlike any other 3D game I can think

of, all these landscape features matter! Tanks can hide

in the scattered woods (or dips in the ground), squads

of soldiers can take cover in buildings or behind stone

walls, and marshes can bog trucks and tanks. Of

course you can rotate/elevate and pan/zoom your view.

Want to know if your antitank gun can spot the tank

cresting the distant rise? Just zoom in to a ground level

view from the gun and see for yourself. Yep, there have

been real-time games that dabble in realistic line of

sight, but this is virgin territory (Blue Byte’s Incubation

excepted) for turn-based gamers.

3D terrain would make Combat Mission a cool game.

But what destines the title for greatness (and a host of

game-engine copycats) is the turn-based/real-time

action. The orders phase is turn-based. Take your

time, click on each unit, check line of sight, and direct

the machine gun to chop down the approaching

Germans or the Sherman tank to move into ambush

behind the hill. Nothing new there, what is new is how

your orders play out --i.e. real time. You see, while you

where ordering your units, the computer was ordering

its own, and when you click “Go” the results are

simultaneously played out on the 3D battlefield.

Imagine a two-minute slice of

Saving Private Ryan in which you

control the actors. Your machine

gun team will no sooner open up

on the approaching Germans than

a Tiger tank will appear in the

street to your right, gun tube lowering to obliterate your

men. The Sherman you ordered to the hill may hit a

mine and the crew dies horribly at the hands of a

previously hidden German MG34 machine gun. I

frequently found myself cheering on an exposed

platoon as it ran for cover, fearful that a hidden

German squad would cut them down --and this is

*turn-based* gaming. I’ve played Unreal Tournament

death matches that were less exciting.

You may rewind, fast forward, pan, zoom, pause or

whatever you like during the playback. Even save a

special moment to show a friend (or taunt an enemy).

Ever wish you could show your buddy just how your

Zerglings swarmed the Terrans? With Combat Mission

you can --aside from the fact that it has no Zerglings or

Terrans. It is just fantastic.

Unfortunately, it is also obscure. Lack of gaming clout

regulates Combat Mission to the back pages of the

gaming magazines and the review archives of all but

war gaming review sights. It’s a shame, because in an

era where each new game claims to take its genre to

new heights, Combat Mission truly does. And that’s a

fact that money can’t buy.

Copyright 2000, Ola Balola LLC.

Comments? feedback@gameslice.com

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Man, that sounds like me talking. I've been saying the exact same thing (wego as the wave of the future, sales breaking out of the wargame niche) on this board and to anybody who will listen for a couple months now. Cool.


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