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Last Stand Hill

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This image of Custer's Last Stand hill reminds me of a certain hill in VoT. Hill 209 to be exact.


If you haven't been to Little Bighorn, you should go at the first opportunity. It is a truly somber place.

It stands as an eternal reminder of the terrible fruits of folly and arrogance.


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Somber indeed. In earlier times when I had visited there, I had believed that the individual markers represented the actual graves still in existence. But most of the enlisted men killed in the battle have since been reburied in a mass grave under the monument atop the hill.

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The gravestone markers were supposed to mark where the bodies of elements of E and F Companies, 7th Cav were found. However, they were placed over a year after the actual battle took place. Over the years some of the markers have fallen over and have been moved.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Pattison (edited 05-31-2000).]

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I live an hour away from the Little Bighorn Battlefield. What's strange when I go is that aside from the monuments, the terrain looks no different than the rest of Eastern Montana/Northern Wyoming.

Because Montana is still mostly wilderness, the battlefield looks pretty much exactly like it did back then.


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I thought I recognized your screenname, Musashi. I am going to Louisiana for the summer and I was packing things up and I came across "The Story of The Five Rings" or somehting like that (it's packed away now)

I live in the metropolis that is Billings smile.gif


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