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Advantage - a great gizmothingy (CE spoiler...)

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Ok, this post contains SPOILER info about the Chance Encounter scenario (you never know, there could be some new players out there...). You have been warned! smile.gif

Right. What I just wanted to share with you people is something I discovered during the weekend. Many of you has probably allready done it as well, but this is for the few who hasn't.

It's the advantage thingy you can set when starting a scenario. In CE (which like most of you, I have played to death in the beta) I gave the US a 75% advantage and then parked all the Shermans in the rear areas behind the woods (they where drinking tea while waiting for Herr Whittman). I sent the remaining footsoldiers happily into battle, and it was a great one! biggrin.gif

Now, I think that even without the Shermans a 75% advantage is a bit to much. It could also be that my foreknowledge of this battle played a part. Anyway, I got 4 complete platoons, each with 2 zooks and 2 MGs, pluss 3 mortars and 3 zooks to spare, and lots of leaders. It was (for me) a very enjoyable way to freshen up an old scenario, and trying various settings on CE an VoT will probably keep me happy (at least content) till the real deal lands at my local post office! cool.gif




Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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