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A Retirement, an observation and a question.

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It is with great sadness that I announce my retirement from ever again playing the Close Combat series. CM has become the standard by which all future land war sims will have to follow. Are my eyes deceiving me or did I see infantry in close combat throwing grenades?? Charging Infantry into a building?? A building shattering into a billion pieces?? I love the camera shaking when explosions occur close by. I had to do a double take when I saw those. Question: is there a hot key that will allow me to jump from unit to unit? I don’t mean the hq unit where I can double click on it to get them all. Love the game. Many late nights coming. Wife hates the game. (thank god, otherwise she might want to play).

One more thing to CoolJJ, great sounds.

Great bunch of guys on this forum.


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We have been fortunate to witness the dawn of a new era in wargaming. Praise be! smile.gif

I'm not sure if you can jump from unit to unit, but you can jump from spot to spot by CTRL-clicking on the location you want centered. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-12-2000).]

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The + and - keys (not on the number pad but on the keyboard) allow you to select the next/previous unit ID. Hit TABS afterwards, and you'll automatically jump behind that unit anywhere on the map.

Alternatively, left-click on a unit you see and hold down the SHIFT button. This will automatically select the unit and lock the camera behind it (great for jumping to units you can see on the screen/map edge and don't want to scroll over there).

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The CC series has become a joke. It's nearly as simplistic and watered down as a typical RTS game.

There is only one aspect of the CC series that i like, and that is the real-time play. It's not better than CM's type of play, but just something different. The sad thing is that the CC series just sucks is so many other areas, the real-time aspect doesn't help at all in making the series enjoyable.


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The CC games were what they were. Something to pass the time until CM or something else better arrived. biggrin.gif

The CC series became a serious joke for me after I bought CC2. The game was pretty good, but CC2 didn't really fix any of the "problems" and descrepancies in CC1. Neither did CC3. After that, I vowed to never waste any more of my money on CC games. Especially when CC4 came out last Nov/Dec since I knew that CM would be coming out soon. wink.gif

Mikester out.

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