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Icons Again, But About Detachments This Time

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Here I was, unable to get to sleep, gave up trying in the end and decided to bugger it and fire the computer back up and go on Combat Mission and now I need to query this;

How does the game decide upon what icons to use for the various units created through the Admin commands? I always assumed that it was quite simple and that commands just resulted in the same icon as it's parent unit. That's been my experience so far with the icons on units made with the various Admin commands. That is until this morning.

So I'm in a QB and its September 1944 in Holland and among my forces I have an Parachute Company [Independent].


So in the screen shot above you can see this section. Earlier on I used the Combine command on them and they have then sustained three casualties (medic saw to one earlier hence just two casualties existing in screenshot). I then decided to use the Scout Team command in order to send two men back to medic the remaining two casualties. And the screenshot below is the team and icon that resulted.


I reloaded the save and tried the Antitank Team command with them also and that resulted in the same soldiers chosen (that parts not strange given the available troops to choose from) and the same Bren icon (and Bren unit type on the information panel also). I've also just started an new QB and tried the Scout Team and Antitank Team commands with some sections that have not had the Combine command used upon them, and that resulted in the same as above.

So yeah how does the game decide what icons are to be used, also what unit type to give the detachments created. Given that it does not appear from the above to have anything to do with the Admin commands used nor the parent units icon/unit type.

Edited by Oliver_88
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Started another QB and chose to test upon an section from the Engineer Squadron [Field].


I used the Scout Team command twice upon them. The second detachment that was created is highlighted in the screenshot below. Bren unit type but with no Bren. Also regular Infantry icon instead this time rather than either the Bren or Pioneer icon.



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11 hours ago, mjkerner said:

The icons shown depends on the order you create teams from your squad/section.  I forgot the progression, but IIRC, there is one. Lol, that's the best I can do.  Next.....

I see indeed. The "progression" appears to be fixed upon the detachments designation. A/B/C detachment in an section always gets given the same icon no matter the method they are created. A/B/C detachment also always gets given the same unit type no matter the method they are created. The unit type assigned need have no relation to the soldiers in the detachment. The icon assigned need have no relation to the soldier in the detachment. The unit types assigned need have no relation to the icons or vice versa. Neither the unit type nor icon need have any relation to the Admin command you ordered. And the "progression" seems to be unique to the formations also.


But then I must query the "why" as seems as though that just defeats the purpose in having different style icons? And same thing for having different unit types displayed on the unit information panel for detachments. What's the point when they have no meaning?


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