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The ultimate in improvements

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Disclaimer: CM is a great game as is, these are simply suggestions that would make it much better!

From simplest to most complex:

1) Tanks need a "hull down" command. Instead of "Move & Hide" for tanks it should be "Move & Hull Down." What if its not on the upside of a hill, or out in the open? Then the command becomes invalid. Simple. Trying to eyeball the perfect place to hulldown your tank is tough, I always end up using about 3 turns up just trying to dial the tank in to the right spot.

2) This has already been suggested, but the entire battle should be able to be replayed at once, once the battle is over. Perhaps a patch can be coded that could export the battle scenes as quicktime movies that can subsequently be linked? I don't know enough about programming and quicktime to say "yea" or "nay" to this.

3) This is a longshot, but hey....Not only should the entire battle be made one long movie, but there should be a "director" mode available. This way, the player can take the battle, set up camera angles where he wants them, when he wants them, focus in on certain units at crucial times, etc. This could give the player a chance to direct "Saving Private Ryan" - Part II....Part III, Part IV.....you get the idea.

Hey, if that sounds like too much trouble, to direct, I mean, then there could simply be a "random camera " option which jumps around certain units at random times, and you can watch the battle happen all over the place. This would be a very , very neat feature

Battles take so long to plan that I think taking away something to show for it would be nice.

I look forward to seeing this improvement in the future!

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spcwrnglr wrote:

> these are simply suggestions that would make it much better!

> Tanks need a "hull down" command.

> Simple.

> the entire battle should be able to

> there should be a "director" mode available.

> there could simply be

> I look forward to seeing this improvement

Despite your disclaimer, your choice of words is still less than ideal. Please don't claim that your personal suggestions would necessarily improve the game, or that they would be 'simple' matters, or make comments to the effect that you expect to see your suggestions implemented.

Your post came across well in nature, but as far as the content goes, you needn't have bothered. There's no harm in saying things that have already been said, but it's best to ask things and suggest things, not jump straight in and claim that X and Y would transform the game. Just a point of order - I'm not singling you out, we just get this a lot.



There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

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I love the title of this thread.

Talk about arrogant.

Hull down positions are not black and white. What's hull down to one enemy location is not to another.

As to the other ideas, this has all been covered before. Surprise surprise.

BTS has stated they would like to get a movie save feauture. But it's not going to be some simple patch so don't plan on it happening. That's not to say it won't, just that it may not.

BTW - there's a dozen other people who are convinced that THEY know what the ultimate improvements are. Get in line.

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 08-18-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

glglglglgl or whatever, how can you even claim to have an ultimate list if you don't have the molemandoes and the Gerbiljaegers in there that are currently missing? Or the US Mormonwive Squad. I am flabbergasted and flummoxed, and that does not happen often. I think David sees through you.



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Guest Pillar

Great ideas! Good to see players being enthusiastic about the game and wanting to help offer ideas regarding improvements.

The Hull Down option was discussed before (as my fellow poster above has more cynicly pointed out). It appeared a good idea for some reasons, but then many problems began to arise when further consideration was given. The long and short of it was that it was complex for the computer to resolve and should be left to the tactical ability of the commander rather than the AI.

If you DO decide to take a look at that thread, beware! Lots of things turn into flamewars for the silliest reasons (as you can see this ALMOST developing, sheesh). smile.gif

I love the movie ideas. There was a site that had hosted there own combat mission movies that had been edited like a real directors cut. If you go to combathq.thegamers.net and check the webring at the bottom it should be listed there.

Again, the topic was discussed before but I think it degenerated into pointless flames. Try the search if you dare wink.gif

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Germanboy wrote:

> I think David sees through you.

Huh? What? Where? Uh... oh, yes, yes indeed! Nobody escapes my steely gaze... I can penetrate a brick wall at 500 yards!

Okay, well, when I say brick wall... I'm talking about the papery kind, y'know... and give or take 500 yards or so. But anyone without a plentiful supply of paper and yards is in dire trouble!!



There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Huh? What? Where? Uh... oh, yes, yes indeed! Nobody escapes my steely gaze... I can penetrate a brick wall at 500 yards!


What???!! That's absolutely absurd! Any idiot knows that the JDCI-2 BrickWall couldn't be penetrated at 500 yards by steel rounds. You'd need sabot or tungsten rounds at least . This is glaringly ahistorical, and reflects poorly on Steve and Charles' fitness to design, program, sell or be within 100 miles of a computer game. I demand that this be rectified in 1.04, or BTS'll be hearing from my lawyers. I am no fool!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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i dont know much about Gerbiljeagers wink.gif

but US Rangers, Marines...

and just want to throw this in here---but for realisticly proportioned battles,

Shermans should cost about 35 points and allied air-support about 75

A Tiger, Panther and Jadgpz IV versus 3 Shermans and a Jackson allow odds only you all Grog-pros can handle

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Scortchus wrote:

> for realisticly proportioned battles, Shermans should cost about 35 points and allied air-support about 75

One of the design considerations of Combat Mission was that, if it modelled an average of the Allied forces versus the Germans during the latter years of the war, basically the game would be pointless because the Germans would be hopelessly outnumbered every time.

So what you see instead, are small-scale engagements, where the Germans were often more than a match for the Allies. War isn't about overall numbers - it's about small-scale engagements and tactics, so in the scope of Combat Mission, the force balance (and the cost of units) isn't unreasonable.



There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

glglglglgl or whatever, how can you even claim to have an ultimate list if you don't have the molemandoes and the Gerbiljaegers in there that are currently missing? Or the US Mormonwive Squad. I am flabbergasted and flummoxed, and that does not happen often. I think David sees through you.


Fargoneboy, once again you display your ignorance like a flasher displaying his organ, only your ignorance is much easier to spot from a distance. The USMS-BY(42) is an Army level weapon, requiring the permission of CINCEUR before use. Fear of post-war political repercussions prevented the USMS-BY(42) from even being deployed in the ETO. (see, i.a., I.M. Poligimouse, "Mormon Wives at War, 1842-1945: Weapons of Supreme Terror"; Beulah Press: Moab, UT; 1989). A detachment of MS-BY(42) was dispatched to the PTO for use in Operation Olympic (codename: Golfcourse), but were, thankfully, never actually used.

But what can you expect from a man who brings Shermans to a picnic and then forgets the marshmallows.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Yeah sure Germanboy, you always stick up for the gerbils and hamsters but, and again I ask, what about the Voles? You must know of the feared and decorated Free Volish Brigade? How can these brave mammals be left out of CM? It's a tragedy, a travesty, it's about time for my lithium.....

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Guest Mirage2k

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah sure Germanboy, you always stick up for the gerbils and hamsters but, and again I ask, what about the Voles? You must know of the feared and decorated Free Volish Brigade? How can these brave mammals be left out of CM? It's a tragedy, a travesty, it's about time for my lithium.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hamsters eat Voles for breakfast (or whenever they finally sit down to eat, it doesn't really matter to them. Hamsters are famous for their voracious appetites and hearty midnight snacks). To experience the full power and horror of a combined hamster/field mouse onslaught, one only has to visit http://nuttysites.com/rodent/



[This message has been edited by Mirage2k (edited 08-18-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k:

Hamsters eat Voles for breakfast (or whenever they finally sit down to eat, it doesn't really matter to them. Hamsters are famous for their voracious appetites and hearty midnight snacks). To experience the full power and horror of a combined hamster/field mouse onslaught, one only has to visit http://nuttysites.com/rodent/


Well done, M2K, you are truly one with us. That ought to put the fear of God into those Mormon Wives.

Professor Doktor Hamster X

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

A detachment of MS-BY(42) was dispatched to the PTO for use in Operation Olympic (codename: Golfcourse)...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because it had 18 holes? wink.gif

But no-one has recognized the ultimate fighting mammal: the Kangaroo Rat! "The KRs will KO the Kaiser!" was their motto from the First Big Mistake. During Round Two of the European Championship Cup, their ability to utilize their springy legs to leap from low-flying geese without parachutes made them especially capable in special operations. Their heroic raid upon the cheese factories of Limburg deprived the Wehrmacht of a weapon of truly devastating power and doubtlessly shortened the war by at least several hours, winning them undying fame.


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Alright, everyone, back on your little wheels. Hasn't there been a recent armistice on dogpiling silly newbie posts? Hasn't Chewbaca...er, Giles Goat Boy, led the way here for proper handling of revelatory, 'gee-whiz' sorts of postings? Everyone play fair, and behave like chums.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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