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Help me make my Christmas List


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First off a hearty "me too" re; T34's comments on "In Deadly Combat." and comments on Cross of Iron. Two great books.

Also Guy Sajer's "The Forgotten Soldier", Siegfried Knappe's "Soldat", and Hans von Luck's "Panzer Commander", and Martin Poppel's "Heaven and Hell:War diary of a German paratrooper" (Hard to find but Amazon should be able to search it out for you).

There's already been a ton of good US stuff recommended.

For Russian stuff I heartily recommend Viktor Leonev's "Blood on the Shores". Leonev is a twice Hero of the Soviet union. And eventual commander of a Soviet Naval Reconnasaince Detachment. His writing style is fascinating and readable. Also Dmitri Loza's (and James Gebhardt) "Commanding the Red Army's Sherman Tanks".

For general front line comnbat experience of various arms grab John Ellis "On the Front Lines"' (In Britain I think it's called "On the Sharp End".)

For some good Commonwealth Accounts there was a publishing line out in England called "Echoes of War. They were uniformly outstanding though I can't remember them all now but: Cyril Jolly's "Take these men" (Tank platoon commander in the Western Desert) is one of the outstanding accounts I've ever read. And Farley Mowat's "And No Bird's Sang" for the Canadian side of things.


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