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A fatal AI mistake...

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I played a 2000 point quick game against AI tonight. I played as Germans in defence and the attackers were Poles with +20% forces.

In the beginning of the battle the AI sent its tanks directly to an ambush. Or, to tell the truth, I hadn't planned an AT ambush there, but the tanks came so fast that I didn't have time to retreat my rifle platoon in time. Instead, I had to stand fighting and the platoon destroyed two Shermans (one Firefly) with Panzerfausts and one Stuart in close combat, losing 5 men in process. One Sherman got through but it met my pair of 75 mm PAKs and one flanking Stuart met a veteran Panzershreck team.

Apparently the AI had planned to send all his troops at the same place but revised the plans after the tanks were destroyed. This was pretty lucky since all I had on that wing were the rifle platoon, those 2 guns, and 2 PSK teams. No way they could have stopped the attack and they probably couldn't even have delayed it long enough to allow me transport my troops from the left wing.

The last tank was destroyed in turn 5. Then came _nothing_ (well, except for a 140 mm artillery barrage) for fifteen turns. No sign of those Poles anywhere. Then on turn 20 a huge mass of infantry was spotted coming towards my left wing. The AI had one full infantry batallion and they advanced in a tight clump through a small forest. I had a target registeration point there. And I had 2x120 mm mortar FOs, one 75 mm artillery FO, and 2x81 mm mortars. Three minutes later the AI had lost well over 200 men of the batallion.

At that point I committed my tanks into the fray and 2xPZ-IVh, 2xStuG-IIIG, and 1xHetzer together with 2 other 75 mm PAKs finished the attack. My Gerbirsjäger company didn't have to fire a shot in the battle.

German casualties: 35 men (7 KIA) (The AI fired five turns with heavy artillery against a forest where I had 2 PAKs and stray rounds fell on a jäger platoon 150 meters away).

Polish casualties: 436 men (~100 KIA), 3 Shermans, 2 Stuarts, 2 halftracks, 1 carrier, 1 AC, and 15 mortars.

- Tommi

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I reckon you had too much AT. The other day I completely dismantled an assorted force of Shermans, Pershings, Stuarts, Chaffees, halftracks and supporting infantry with just a company of Fallschirmjäger and an AT gun. One thing the AI can't do is strafe treelines, which makes it easy to ambush.


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