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Possible Improvement??!!!

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I just had an idea about a possible way to improve CM imeasurably (no that anything is sseriously wrong!!). The only REAL thing that just got to me when i first got CM, was the fact that 3 individual soldiers represented a whole squad.. and that you NEVER knew if they were taking casualties unless every 3rd one fell or you personally clicked on them. In some ways... the thrill of combat games is KNOWING and SEEING the carnage your dealing out.... (No... i dont have anger problems and No I dont want to see a recreation of the Maldamay massacre biggrin.gif ). I mean, in flight simulators, when you blast a fighter.. you dont want em to just go plop nose down do ya? I like seein flames n a big blammo and debris all over the freakin place!! Anyway.. I was thinkin, a good way for the units to represent a casualty would be for the set of sprites to literally 'drop' a dead firgure. These figures are 2D, right?? If they are 3d then that could be a problem, i understand. But wouldnt that be cool if you actually got to see the full effect of a close combat action? With CMs unit representation, it really kind of masks all the caranage.... There doesnt have to be blood or anything like that.. Just a simple little fallen figure for each casualty.. the units will still be representative of 3 soldiers per man, just that each squad can drop 9,8 or 10 or whatever # of "casualties".

Has this been thought of before?? I think there would be other ways to do this too if it causes system slow-downs... Like maybe just having the squad that suffers a kill blink red.. or maybe just a more pronounce yell ala close combat. Any thoughts?? Am i the only one that thinks like this?? Should I mail BTS and let them know??


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Search is good, however Zafford, to answer your question, you will see casualty figures on the ground when you eleminate a squad or team. In terms of the reduction of the unit, you will see fewer than three figures as the squad takes casualties. Finally, if you choose to play without FOW, you can click on each unit and see it's complete status. I prefer the full FOW, the "not knowing" is more interesting to me. I don't personally see any value in having a "dead" man for each casualty. Just my opinion of course. As Toad mentioned, check the search for full information.


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My whole point is that you have to click here and there to find how many casualties there are. It would just simply be nice to see some evidence of a unit taking damage as its happening...

Oh well... i tried...


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Just to use an extreme example to prove the point...

If I did the math right, an American Rifle Battalion, in CM has a total of 696 men. That includes all the HQ, Riflemen, and supporting grunts w/ MGs, mortars, ect.

Even if there was no speed hit in showing all the bodies, it would begin to get crowded with so many corpses, you would start to have difficulty finding the active squads amongst the carnage. Right from the start, after you begin to take some casualties, how are you gonna keep track of which corpses came from which units, so you'll end up having to check the units manually anyway to verify how many casualties you have.

This is a very old issue. And no pun intended, but it's been debated to death. Originally, the corpses that are in the game now, which mark where the squad was finally eliminated, were not going to be in the game. I personaly think that the addition of those limited corpses it fine, but showing bodies on a one for one basis would be to much clutter.

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