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senerio editor

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I am making a senerio, forget the spelling!, and got a couple of problems. Can someone help????

1. I made the zones with no neutral area, but when I start the game the germans are in a straight line from the border. They are even in the allied zone! That is weird, appears to be somehow tied to the 400m thing on the setup screen in the editor.

2. If this cannot be fixed how do you assign the default locations by hand to the germans so they arent' in a line.

If I can get this fixed, I can post the game.

Thanks for any help.

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I don't believe that there are any bugs in the scenario editor that I know of.

1. I forget how this happens, but I believe it may be the order of selecting units and creation/setting up of the zones. A little annoying to a certain extent, but not a bug.

2. You can definitely assign "default" locations for each side (just like you would when you play a scenario - place them where you want them in their setup zones). I would highly suggest this in fact. You can assist the AI by carefully selecting positions for each side. Such setups may often be better than some of the AI created ones and can make a scenario more challenging when someone plays against the AI.

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Your question is a little confusing,endit.

You speak of 400 meters. That kind of setting is reserved for operations I believe. Are you doing an operation or a scenario (battle)?

All units always start on the edge of the map when you are in the scenario editor. You must place them where you want them. The AI or the game will not place them for you. That goes for both nationalities.

If you place them within a friendly zone, not padlocked, the person can move them within that zone when he starts the scenario.

The AI, in turn, will shuffle units around within the zone as it thinks best unless they are padlocked. I hope this helps.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


[This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 10-26-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Guys, the problem he made is that it sounds like he did not place the troops in the Preview mode.

Endit, once you purchase units and build the map you need to manually place them in their startup positions. You do this by going into the Map Editor screen and selecting PREVIEW button. Then you will be able to scroll all across the map and place all the units where ever you want.

The game won't do it for you when you design your own battle.


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