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I think I found a bug.

Guest MantaRay

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Guest MantaRay

Well this one is not that bad, but on VT, I was the Americans and decided that I wanted to see the Germans die a horrible death. I put the force multiplier at 150% for US. Well at setup, I had some troops that were beyond the setup perimeter. Well i decided to move only one of them and let the others stay where they were to see if the computer would start the scenario with them being out of bounds. Well it did. No biggie, as it is easy to move them back to their start points.



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

MantaRays 5 Pages

Hardcore Gamers Daily

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Guest MantaRay

WOOHOO, I am a beta tester!!!! biggrin.gif Very minor though. I forgot to tell you the computer pasted them before turn 2 as they were just a little out in the open(well actually a lot)

Next time I will move them back to safety. smile.gif

Also, you could only move them back to in bounds, not anywhere else in the out of bounds territory.




When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

MantaRays 5 Pages

Hardcore Gamers Daily

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I don't know if this is a bug or not. After playing 'valley' as Amis all tanks showed zero or 1 infantry casualties. Since the enemy showed, I think, 38 dead, and since I saw tanks blow away several entire squads, it's hard to believe only 3 or 4 kills were credited to vehicles. Am I mistaken?

Thanks for your time.

And BTW, this is an EXCELLENT game, exquisitely done.

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Guest Madmatt


Thats not a bug thats FOW. The casulties i nthe debrief are REAL numbers. Those are hard totals. The numbers in the Kill/Stats numbers are FOW affected numbers. I suppose you could think of it as confirmed kills if you will. But they usually WILL NOT add up to the amount in the debrief...

FOW even in the endgame...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

And if it's NOT on CMHQ then its just GOT to be on CMHQ-ANNEX...

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Both now proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Thanks Madmatt. For a while I thought I might as well just save my tanks to put on the lawn down at the VFW hall.

I guess, though, this makes the kill statistics somewhat less than useful. It's hard to learn how successful units are, and what tasks they best used for, etc.

Anyway, it's a minor point. What a great game smile.gif

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For fun, I also did what Ray did jsut to see how many Amis I could have.

The same bug occurred - units outside of set-up zone.

Also, the force increasers don't seem to work all that approriately. At +150% my forces were a bit unusual. I had 18 MMGs and went from one Eng platoon to six but had no increase in Rifle platoons. It's actually kind of a pain moving around 18 MMGs 13 flamethrowers and 11 bazooka teams.

All told, the increase over the original allocation of units was between 0% (for the Rifle platoons) to 800% for the MMGs. I don't know if this was the intention or not, but it seemed a little strange to me.

I actually didn't do any better with all of these units because there were too many units to keep track of.


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Guest Babra

I also had a strange force increment. I started with 11 Sherman 105s! Some the infantry also started outside their start zones, but I didn't think it was a bug.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina


If you want to see all the kills info and full unit info/identification enable "intermediate or medium" setting for fog of war at the beggining of the mission - i know not everyone wants to see this in the name of realism but it is there if you wish to use it as an option.


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Guest Big Time Software

Word from Charles is that he knows that there is a chance of units starting outside of the starting areas. He said that it is simply and overcrowding issue, so the overflow units are coded to be plopped down as close to the edge of the deployment zone as possible.


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The biggest practical problem here seems to be the sometimes reported totally disproportionate allocation re unit types----to provide a sensible and credible game the increases need to be fairly proportional to the basic set- up proportions.We can work around the unreal setup positions by moving the offenders to a place close to game set up.But we can do nothing to change the proportional makeup of the force-----this must be credible from the game setup.

Is it possible to tweak this aspect?

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I've seen similar strange happenings to the one's mentioned above using the force multiplier function. Playing the Germans in CE I set them to +150%. Got hordes (something like 15) of Panzerschreck teams which seemed a little out of balance w/ respect to the standard number. Also, one of the Stug's was placed way outside the German setup zone out next to the road in the middle of the map by the farm house. So too were one or two of the Schreck teams and a HQ unit or two. Although they were somewhat closer to the German setup zone.

Mikester out.

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