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A lot of Junior Members showing up lately. Word about CM must be spreading!

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Could this be good news? Funny how so many new ones around now that there is a release date. Not that this is bad or anything, just funny. smile.gif

We need to get that FAQ up a.s.a.p, so we all don't have to answer the same ol' questions again. Although we'll be happy to, to some extent. smile.gif

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The general format of what I am writing:


Short answer

link to relevant discussion on this forum

Doing this keeps my answers short, which is especially useful for really involved question (i.e. dead bodies)


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Gee at 48 to be called a jr. member is refreshing, and as a lawyer to know I haven't talked enough, well now.....

Anyway, it's funny that serendipity comes along. As I try to remember it's been about a month for me (and the waiting seems forever) that I stumbled on to CM. I wasn't looking, but it awakened long dormant hopes.

My hats off to you long sufferng grunts who have been aching SOOO long for the beta and now with us johnny come lately's it certainly seems that we haven't suffered enough waiting!

So let us march into that promised land, shoulder to shoulder, member and jr., the realization of dreams (true LOS and hidden movement) to bask in the realm of the true believers. (now do any of you have ANY GOOD explanation I can tell my wife about this infecton, long dormant (which like the Ebola vius is poised to strike, that she knew nothing about? Oh well. biggrin.gif

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Actually, I've been hanging around here for a couple of months (now and again), as I'm sure others have. What made me register was the sheer enthousiasm and devotion of all you, erm, 'senior members,' my daily visits to CMHQ, and the way this game has developed. It certainly very much worth all the attention it gets. smile.gif



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Been here since before the beta demo release. (Not as long as some have been waiting.) I lost my "member" status after the Y2K glitch.

I read the forum every day and visit the Combat Mission club on Yahoo once in a while as well. I believe in keeping the signal to noise ratio as low as possible if I haven't much to say. smile.gif

I'm thinking of buying an extra copy of the game as gift for a relative. But I do agree with you that the word must be getting around. Just don't underestimate the number of lurkers like myself that have just started to post here. smile.gif

"I lurk, therefore, I am."

BJ Simpson--the silent sychophant.


BJ Simpson

Visit www.arrl.org for information about Ham Radio.


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Sometimes there is more to be gained by listening than by speaking. wink.gif

My sincerest thanks to those who have posted many interesting and informative threads. I have learned a lot about the progression of this 'game' as well as the tactics used by the 'old hands'. I will continue to lurk and gleen as much useful information as possible before the final release. Then....let the whoop*ss begin. biggrin.gif

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Ok, I'll throw my hat in with the other "junior" members here... I've been checking out the board since last... hmmm... last December? I can't remember now for sure... but I came to Battlefront after d-loading the CM demo from AOL. I ordered it the next day, I think. But you know the thing that really impressed me? (and I know you older members know this about Steve already smile.gif ) When I first saw the game and got interested in it, the first thing I did was e-mail BTS to ask if they were still planning on releasing a Mac version, though if I had been smart about it at all, I would have gone to the board first and found out for myself. Steve sent me back such a quick, courteous e-mail that I was stunned. And it also made me feel that I was making the right decision about pre-ordering, no matter when the game came out.

So how many posts do I hafta make to shed the "junior" status, huh?? Or is it a time-lapse thing?? wink.gif

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You must pass the initiation ceremony, now stand still. this wont hurt unless you want it to smile.gif


This is my rifle,

this is my gun.

This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....

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