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Operations, why are gun damaged tanks often abandoned?

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Yes, I searched.

Just had it happen again.

I had 2 gun damaged stugs, they survived 'till the end of the fight,

suffering no other damage than damaged guns. When the next fight

starts, both lie abandoned where they were left.

This doesn't happen every time, sometimes the gun is fixed.

But why abandon a perfectly mobile vehicle? confused.gif


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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Well I don't know about you, but when I see an AFV it is priority number one for anti-armor assets. This means that riding around in an AFV with no offensive power makes for a dangerous ride. Everyone will gun for you and all you can do is run.

I have seen plenty of AFVs with guns damaged become abandoned. Usually they get abandoned because they are being fired upon and they cannot return fire. It is interesting that at the end of an Op where they survived that they would show up abandoned and not repaired at the beginning of the next fight. Maybe there were no spare parts and thus they could not be fixed?

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I wouldn't expect to get the tank back for the next fight, maybe later,

but I certainly wouldn't expect it to be just left in the no man's land.

For immobilized, that might be reasonable, but for gun damaged, no way.

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Often when you recive a hit that results in a gun damaged (but still mobile)tank. Then if you can afford to, it behooves you to evacuate it right then and there. If you leave it out in the fighting and it takes subsequent hits the crew will haul ass out of there in a hurry. Don't risk leaving it out near the FEBA when the program calculates who's left out there at the end of a battle.

As to why perfectly good vehicles are abadoned just because of gun hits? Hard to say but if a crew received a very loud CLANG followed by smoke and spaulding or even an inoperable gun, it might result in them saying "screw this I'm out of here". (though vehicle crews have much less chance of routing than infnatry due to the nature of crews,) especially since being hit once confirms that the enemy has a bead on you. Particularly when you are in a tank that has a propensity to ignite at the slightest touch (i.e. Sherman). This could be the justification as to why there is a calculation to abandon when the tank is hit, gun hit or not.

Personally when I lose a tank to damage or whatnot I never count on seeing it again, even less so in the next battle which could be a few hours later. Makes me take better care of them. And certainly any damaged vehicle that is anywhere near the FEBA within DF range of the other side has little chance of being rescued right away.


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I was under impression, that if you "evacuate" a vehicle during operation,

there's no chance of getting it back.

I could understand abandoning a tank after a gun damage.

Immediately after, that is. Not after staying 15 minutes out of harms way.

I could understand being unable to rescue a damaged vehicle close

to the battlelines. If the vehicle was immobile, or if the rule

would include something else than vehicles. Like MG's just about

to be overrun, surrounded by enemy.

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Yes, I have.

I do not think that it is unrealistic for crews to abandon their gunless tanks if they found themselfes after a battle in the No-Mans-Land (i.e. contested terrain).

You might be more luckier if you try to move your gun damaged tanks to your rear area, before a day in an operation is finished.

Also, check the supply level for your side in the operation as it determines how likely a damaged vehicle become repaired in between battles.

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