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Greatest shot ever?

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Played an all armor QB game recently in which I was the Americans and my opponent was the Germans.

Had a couple of Hellcats, several Shermans, and to round out my points took a M8 Greyhound.

My Hellcats rapidly (and somewhat luckily) took out 3 Panthers beofre one of them ran smack into a KT. Bounced two shells off him from about 10m before the KT swung the turret around and pasted him.

At that point I was wondering how many tanks I was going to lose trying to get a rear shot on the KT with something that could kill it.

I had been moving the M8 up a flank to take cover behind a building and maybe spot some of his tanks. At the end of the turn on which the Hellcat got wasted, the M8 had just moved into LOS of the KT, which had it's turned 180 degrees away.

So I order the M8 to fast move to cover, and keep shooting at the KT, hoping to annoy it enough to let my tanks get into position. Go to watch the movie and the M8's first shot is a rear turret penetration at weak point.

My opponent couldn't believe it, and neither could I. Total for the QB, 3 dead Panthers, a dead KT and Kubelwagen, and a surrendered PzIV/70 for one dead Hellcat.

Anyone else seen anything this good (or bad, depending on your perspective)?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

"Right on target!"


Your quote was very apropos - a PBEM opponent was moving a panther up to take out my Stuart. He diligently ensured that the Stuart was buttoned up and pointed the other way - not only did the Stuart (buttoned) spot the Panther, he swiveled the turret, got a hit on the first shot in the only area of the front that a 37 can penetrate.

I'd rather be lucky than good any day.

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Played a QB last night, American Airborne glider company plus a 57mm AT gun defending against German armor. My guys were dug in on a fog-shrouded wooded ridge overlooking a wheat field. Saw the following in just this one battle:

1. The 57mm, with help from a bazooka team, ambushed three Sturm IIIG, a Panzer IVH and a Stu H 42 at a range of about 50 meters and took them all out in just a couple of minutes with no losses...

2. Only to come under fire from a Hummel, which destroyed the 57mm with its last shot...just before dying from the 57mm's last shot. Meanwhile...

3. Two Tigers and a Panther appeared on the other flank and proceeded to pound my infantry for five minutes, shedding bazooka shells like spitwads. While...

4. My last bazooka team, the one from the first ambush, ran, crawled and sneaked through woods, gullies and a wheat field to get behind the tanks...only to be spotted at the last instant by a German Halftrack, which opened fire...

5. Only to be taken out by my last .50 cal HMG team, which then was destroyed by fire from the Tigers...

6. Leaving my bazooka team alive, with just a small hill between them and a kill shot at the backs of the tanks...

7. Which then proceeded to move out, away from my exhausted bazooka guys, who ran frantically up the hill to get a shot at the tanks before they got away...and finally managed to punch out both Tigers before running out of ammo...

8. Leaving the Panther running wild through my defenseless infantry, who started to break and flee, popping a few rifle grenades harmlessly off the Panther...

9. Which chased the survivors right over their foxholes, crushing the bodies of their fallen comrades...

10. Until one "dead guy" rose out of his foxhole and tossed a light brown square-looking thing at the Panther...a brief pause...then BOOM...no more Panther. A Gammon bomb! I forgot my guys had those.

Battle won! Normandy beachhead saved! Another Airborne legend wrought! Stephen Ambrose doesn't have to write all his books in German!

Man, this game is great!

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"...all armor QB..." "...couple of Hellcats, several Sherman..." "...3 Panthers beofre one of them ran smack into a KT..."

by gawd, this reminds me of the proverbial fridaynightzonedeathmatches in cc3, no, this is worse. Those all-armor, grog-nemesis cc3 flashandbangers at least had _some_ infantry for spotting etc.

Here we are discussing a cm more or less on some front armor, FP value of individual small arms, etc. pp., and then there is people who would probably be better off playing nobrainer FPS flashandbang instead of a game that tries hard to strive for historical authenticity.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"...all armor QB..." "...couple of Hellcats, several Sherman..." "...3 Panthers beofre one of them ran smack into a KT..."

by gawd, this reminds me of the proverbial fridaynightzonedeathmatches in cc3, no, this is worse. Those all-armor, grog-nemesis cc3 flashandbangers at least had _some_ infantry for spotting etc.

Here we are discussing a cm more or less on some front armor, FP value of individual small arms, etc. pp., and then there is people who would probably be better off playing nobrainer FPS flashandbang instead of a game that tries hard to strive for historical authenticity.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, now, M Hofbauer, you know you're not supposed to leave your room and bother the children. Come on, be a good sport, let's go back. It's quiet and all your friends are there, come on... smile.gif


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Hehehe I was playing an all armor QB as the germans, and I had 6 KT's and 2 Jagdtigers, and several kublewagens to spring ambushes with, my opponented ended up having M18's and churchills and fireflys and pershings, and I rushed all my armor in a wave and he hit them from the flank and I lost all my KT's in the first 6 turns to weak penetration shots from his m18's, I think he may have been useing T rounds, those are awesome if he was. next time I'm going to try an all KT force purely and see if I do better

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M18 Hellcat:

Hehehe I was playing an all armor QB as the germans, and I had 6 KT's and 2 Jagdtigers, and several kublewagens to spring ambushes with, my opponented ended up having M18's and churchills and fireflys and pershings, and I rushed all my armor in a wave and he hit them from the flank and I lost all my KT's in the first 6 turns to weak penetration shots from his m18's, I think he may have been useing T rounds, those are awesome if he was. next time I'm going to try an all KT force purely and see if I do better<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

T-rounds rule. They'll pretty much go through anything if they hit. It might be hard with King Tigers, but there are basically two ways to deal with them - take out the firer before he can get them off, or engage at sufficiently long range (preferably while moving around to reduce hit probability) that not enough of them hit to make a difference.



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Hey Hofbauer, you never been up at 2 in the morning after a 6 hour infantry slugfest in the forest and decided to try something a little different that you know can wrap up in an hour? I had the M8 for spotting. wink.gif

My favorite part of the shot was watching the replay over and over again from every angle and hearing the crew's "Yeah, got him!".

P.S. Dittohead, that was a great shot, but the finest sports performance I've ever witnessed was game 5 of the '97 series when he could barely walk from the flu and carried the Bulls anyway. I've been a Bulls fan since '86, and I'm still hoping he'll make a comeback. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by MacMogul (edited 08-29-2000).]

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ok ok MacMogul I'm sorry,

I was probably only harsh because of sheer envy...when I played one of WildBillWilder's scenario's where the US attack this evil-held town, I cut off the enemy's retreat by sending an M-8 behind the town, when plop the evil reinforcements beamed into place allaround my befuddled Greyhound, a Kingtiger, two Pz IV anmd JPz IV....and the KT stood right there 10 meters in front of my Greyhound, fat ass facing my M8! And the M8's 3.7cm wouldn't do nothing against it!

well, it wouldn't have matered anyhow since the accompanying infantry made short work of the grey dog 5sec into the turn, but anyway, I was terribly frutrated and made a post about it including pictures, you see I was traumatized ... besides in my last three PBEMs in series I lost all my precious few armor early into the games...and there you come along telling me aboput a QB with LOTSLOTS of armor and how you can take out a KT with your greyhound with a lucky shot...!

and I can't even fond that thread again by using the search function...hmmm....

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No offense taken.

The one thing this tank battle made clear is that you've got to protect your flanks/rear (especially when you have slow/slow-turreted tanks) with infantry/support assets.

Still, I don't play enough armored QBs, I mainly get involved in combined arms games, and after several dozen of those something a little different is really fun. I'm gonna start playing them against the AI while I'm killing time between PBEM turns.


[This message has been edited by MacMogul (edited 08-29-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Please see my post about real-life weak spots on the front of the King Tiger in this thread.

The reason you see more of these kills in CM than the historical record suggests, is likely that in a game like CM, one usually has a lot of "suicidal" vehicle crews since, after all, it's just a game and they pretty much follow your orders. In real life, the M8 crews would probably, um, politely decline your orders to take on a King Tiger in the first place. smile.gif So the realistic thing would be to cancel the entire scenario on turn 1, but that isn't much fun!


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To Charles

I have read your post regarding Mr Jentz's assertion that the King Tigers frontal armour was vunlrable to the 6 pounder gun in a very small area. What i cannot understand is how a gun with a calibre that is nearly twice as small can acheive a penertration on 80mm of armour sloped at 21ø ???

Would it have something to do with the way that the armour touughness is coded in that some armour that was used contained flaws later on in the war??

Kind regards


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