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Battlefield hero

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I am sure you all can relate when i say i have played all 3 scenarios to death. I have tried different deployments and tactics to make the game more interesting. One such example i experimented with resulted in a single unit basically winning the scenario for me. Let me tell you a story about a corporal named Prior. I was playing LD as the US. I had pulled my forces back into the town with the exception of corporal Prior's bazooka team (US right flank). I deployed him in the woods on the far right in the hopes of ambushing any axis armor rolling down the grassy lane. Instead, When the action phase started all the armor appeared on or near the paved road. So i sent Cpl Prior running across the lane to the edge of the woods fronting the town. I then had him zig-zag from tree to tree towards the tree overlooking the last bend in the paved road. When he got there i told him to hide and wait. Sure enough guess who rolls by but the tiger, Oblivious to Cpl Prior (who must have been praying in 4 languages by then). Next action phase begins and Cpl Prior rears up and lets fly! One shot-one kill, scratch the tiger. Better yet, this kill occured in the bottleneck which forced a following HT to veer off the road to go around the tiger. Again Cpl Prior unloads, one miss, reload, one kill. Finally 2 turns later a stug rolls by, pushing the burning HT off the road (and also blocking his LOS to guess who). Sure enough a repeat of the previous 2 engagements ( this time 2 misses, 1 kill). By now the bottleneck is hopelessly jammed up and the cats arrive to a shooting gallery. Alas, Cpl prior did not survive to celebrate (SS squad flanked him and blew him away). Nevertheless he deserves a medal of some sorts for his contribution. What do you think? I have read many posts about units performing bonehead manuevers during the heat of battle (can't shoot straight, ignores targets, etc...), but few where someone goes above and beyond. If you have a unit like Cpl Prior post it here. Lets hear from you!

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All the boys in 3rd Squad, A platoon. In last defense I had the platoon on the left flank run forward to the woods in hopes of getting the Germans with their lederhosen down. The platoon managed to rip up the German infantry who where moving fast and did not stop to fire. However Stugs and the Tiger along with 2 HT's quickly ripped the platoon to pieces. The only survivors where 11 men from 3rd Squad who had not been seen. I ordered them to hide for a turn. Predictably the Germans setup a fire base at the edge of the woods. I waited for them to get almost completely setup then had 3rd Squad unhide. It was a massacre, 3rd squad was on a slight hill and poured fire down on the germans along with a rain of grenades. Without a platoon leader the men panicked after about 3 turns and where reduced to 5 men. As my hellcats arrived the destroyed the Axis Armor in short order. As the axis retreated I ran my company commader up to where 3rd squad was. They rallied and managed to catch some platoon leaders and machinegunners before they made it off map. Final tally for 3rd Squad, 5 men remaining, 32! infantry casualtied caused 2 HT's destroyed (Grenades) and about 7 infantry captured.


The names Ash, Housewares

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I had a platoon-sized defensive position near a forest trail once. The Allies were advancing with a company of tanks ( 14 Shermans) and a company of infantry. I had a few HMGs, 3 schrecks and 2 Hetzers to even the score and make up for the company of tanks and 2 platoons of infantry which I was missing ;(.

Anyways my Hetzers did pretty good getting about 4 kills before dying.. This battle was fought in THICK fog. Visibility was under one hundred metres.. The US infantry advanced and ran into HMG fire so they shifted the entire weight of their assault onto my extreme left flank and broke through through sheer weight of numbers.. They then turned right and proceeded to try to roll up my line.

As they did so their tanks tried to pin my infantry on the right but the short range made this difficult for them.

One of my schreck teams which started the battle with only 5 rockets was elite and so I used it to battle the Shermans. 5 shots later 5 Shermans were on fire in front of my position and the entire American assault was in trouble.

By the end we were down to about 20 men each and the US only had 2 tanks left. That schreck team had killed a tank with every shot. It was elite of course but I still was pleased with its performance wink.gif.

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Simply put, I have had some hero's as well.

Reigburg..60mm squad (forgot the name)..left side...as soon as the 88mm at the rear opens up, this mortar squad takes him out in about ten shots..(good shooting!) biggrin.gif...I move them forward in the trees..later he sights the German 81mm squad and takes them out too...in about ten shots again. This mortar squad made ingress down the left side safer and easier..in both cases HE chose the targeting time and location, I didn't...(being busy on the right side each time)

In CE...US rifle squad..left side...forward building facing the woods that the Germans hold. I have a whole platoon in there...from about turn 12 thru turn 35 the German Infantry throw themselves at that house. One US Squad in that platoon in particular does well...when the fight is over and the Germans are in total surrender I check the stats. Now, I KNOW the fighting at that house is severe...some of my squads have only three survivors...but the one squad at the left front of the top floor has had three casualties and has accounted for 36

German Infantry casualties. biggrin.gif Again, ALL of this done by the AI, I never "aimed" them once. cool.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

The Allies were advancing with a company of tanks ( 14 Shermans) and a company of infantry. I had a few HMGs, 3 schrecks and 2 Hetzers to even the score and make up for the company of tanks and 2 platoons of infantry which I was missing ;(.

This battle was fought in THICK fog. Visibility was under one hundred metres.. wink.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

14 Shermans!...Hetzers!!...Elite troops!!!...Thick fog!!!! You are killing me! I have to ask, how did you land the plush gig of beta tester for CM? Nice work, if one can get it. Anyways, i once saw an archived POTD (02-10-00?) showing a schreck in thick fog among a field of burning and knocked-out Shermans. Is this your handiwork? If so, not a bad days work.

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Been waiting for this "heroics" thread for some time... It's strange, the real emotions that are elicited by these wee digi-soldiers from a near catatonic human mind at 3am. I actually woke up my slumbering wife with celebratory shouting after a lone Stug commander scored 3 consecutive Hellcats in an LD I was about to give up. I ordered the commander to appear, zoomed in tight and offered profuse and sincere congratulatons.

redface.gif Then I motored him to a spot where I could screen-cap the man with a burning Hellcat visible over each shoulder!!! biggrin.gif

...And speaking of zook teams, I sent one on a long, full-run assault of an 88 position in Riesburg. Using smoke from an immobized Sherman that could target nothing of worth, the zookers dashed unnoticed to within 15 M, crawled to within 5, popped up and silenced the gun with 4 shots. The 88 pivoted to engage the troopers, but couldn't sufficiently depress. That same team later dashed into town, crawled to a 2nd floor window and silenced an MG-42 with its last rocket!

Hope BTS finds a way to save film of these kinds of turns!

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