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Some things i need to respond to.


-This post isn't serious, it is juvenile. AH64D and the others whose mania for 'more realistic' visuals to make the game more immersive is puzzling. They seem to be missing the point of the whole project.-

I know what the game is all about Ron. I know graphics aren't the most important things in most games. Yet there's nothing wrong with spicing them up, if this just makes something look good. Yes CM looks cool. Yes it could look better. No it wouldn't enhance the playability. I said this multiple times. Please read the posts before telling what it's all about. If you do you might see we're actually agreeing.


-CM is about the game, not about the look. Even the CM Beta looks better than any wargame ever made in our opinion, but it is the most realistic in fact-

I know what IS important about a game Steve (see previous answer). So...CM is about the game and not looks eh? Well what does the sentence about the Beta looking so much better then the rest mean? It's not important? C'mon.


*Just sell the mac..buy a pc...enjoy 3d...make this world a better place smile.gif*

-I sincerely hope you are joking-

I used a smile.gif and i told the WORLD would be a BETTER place. Like DOH...i'm not even answering this one. Please go figure it out.


-What lame country are you from AH64d? -

You don't know my country, yet you know it's lame? Wow talking about being weird. I rang Mulder and Scully. They should arrive soon.

-WTF you must be kidding me with this stuff you posted..-

If i was kidding i would be smiling

-A) D3d you must be joking only cheap agp cards only support d3d only, from a sales and gaming view point voodoo/3dfx is 10 times better, smooth textures, easyer coding, indstury support, do you see people like "LUCASARTS"esc making d3d only games. and last but not least faster gameplay.Ive seen in one room 300+ computer systems in lan partys and D3d isnt the "cool thing"-

Mwuahahaha you ARE DUMB. First i was NOT talking about d3d-only cards. Second, EVERY damn 3d-card supports d3d (this means expensive Geforce cards too...even voodoo5). Third, 10 times better, have you ever seen a game using d3d WITH high-res textures? Guess you havent. Do i see Lucasarts making d3d only games? Well yes: XWvsTF, Dark Forces, Pod Racer, even the new game "Indiana Jones". You have seen 300 pc's in a LAN party? Wow, i see that many when i visit the local Dixons.

If you want to talk about d3d, know your stuff, or beat it groupie.

-B) Did you learn most of your history from, pokemon cards!-

I don't know what those are. But i can only assume your mummy took yours. What happened? Forgot to wash your hands for supper?

-i hope before the next time you start to open your mouth make shure that foot is all the way out. its not all like the john wayne movies you see on tv.... Try moving a 50cal and trying to go prone with it, Let alone just seeing past it. You get the clue right.....-

I have never seen an entire John Wayne movie, because they are bad-acted pro-american ****load movies. Did i use the word prone once? Nope can't remember.

-My $.02-

You see how worthless the dollar is nowadays?


-I fart in your general direction.-

Wow, didn't know Monthy Python was alive here. Have to say they brought it much funnier.


-CM is MADE on Macs. Without Macs you wouldn't be playing anything. How's that for poetic justice -

As i said, i know a thing about programming, i DO know the mac. For now on when i use smile.gif it's a joke okay? Because you people can't see to understand it. Also, French Fries are from France. Does that mean we should like them?


-I wouldn't piss on Bill Gates if he was on fire-

Oooh yeah, Bill Gates sucks, he's an asshole. What has he done for us anyway? I mean c'mon windows we don't need. We don't need Dos either. Let's all work with Linux and hope we can post things on messageboards again in maybe less then 3 years.

**Captain Foobar**

1) That country's primary language, as theirs

2) Pass a freakin test...

Yeah man. Dead to all non-perfect-english-speaking people. EIN VOLCH...EIN SPRACH !!!

Get a grip. You say you can't speak more then 1 language. I think you should applaud people for trying to. Instead of being a patriotic bastard (which can speak only ONE freakin language).


-See what you have done. Now everybody knows i'm stil alive...only because of this stupid post -

Mmm should i care? I never saw ANY post from you, so stop acting mr.Popular.

To end this:

I will say it for the final time. Please pay attention all. I Do like CM, the graphics are NOT the most important, yet i think they can use (not need or must) some spicing up. Please, BTS are doing a GREAT job, but they are NO gods hiding in a golden bubble. I think i should be free to coment on everything i like/dislike. Or is this one of those boards where only pro-BTS can be made? Yes i did choose the wrong words. Yes i should have said "like" instead of "must". The moment i read the 1st post saying i was rude...i apologized immediatelly. What more could i do?

Now i see people saying i am m538 or something (who btw always posted during US daytime...if he is an American he would post at what 4 pm right now?). First i'm NOT trying to get BTS down. I told you they are GREAT programmers. 2nd I'm not saying CM sucks. It's a GREAT game (even the beta kicks ass). If you guys are just bored and need to find a person to pick on because he doesn't share your dreams, and you don't have the patience to wait for the gold-version, please go ahead. But if so, this will be the last post you have seen from me. Do i use a fake-mail? No. I did have a hotmail-account. Unfortunately everyone had to re-register to use this board. Since i never have used my hotmail-account. Microsoft deleted it. Because i wanted to make a post i needed a mail so i used my old one (which will hopefully be active again soon). On the other hand , since i got many angry people replying, i'm glad my mail isn't working. I mean, some of you guys tried my mail...for what? I guess NO happy Valentine card. If i'm right what i am thinking about (spam/virus) those mails, well....that would certainly say something about YOU guys.



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AH: Sind Sie Deutch? Alle kan ich Ihnen erklaren, das ist, das es viele unreife Heiskopfe auf diesem BBS gibt --- ab er is gibt gerade ebensoviele, die wissen, was sie sagen (wie Fionn). Gut lassen Sie schlafen hunde legen, mein Kommerade.

"Can't we all just get along?"

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I used a and i told the WORLD would be a BETTER place. Like DOH...i'm not even answering this one. Please go figure it out.


By and large, it is customary to use the " wink.gif" wink for a joke. If you were joking, it is ok.


Oooh yeah, Bill Gates sucks, he's an asshole. What has he done for us anyway? I mean c'mon windows we don't need. We don't need Dos either. Let's all work with Linux and hope we can post things on messageboards again in maybe less then 3 years.


Stuff like this makes me wonder though...

- Bill

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Guest John Pender

Hello AH64D,

You stated in one of your posts that you have been following the game for six or seven months. Seeing that you are listed as a junior member I assume you had to register again as so many of us did when the forum crashed. I am wondering (if this is the case) what your first registered user name was and how long have you been playing the demo?

Take care


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Guest Big Time Software

My only beef with your poins AH64D was that you made it purposefully insulting. The word "must" was only the most obvious example. If that was the *only* annoying and insulting aspect of your post, your appolgy would have gone over with all the good grace one should expect.

Critical suggestions and points are ALWAYS welcome. Ill informed, ill conceieved, ill mannered bitch sessions aren't worth the bandwidth to read. Many of your points were just plain wrong, some just illinformed, and the rest already addressed either by my posts or changes in the Beta. However, what I and others saw was a purposefully confrontational, and even insulting in spots, communication. In fact, your thread title set the tone as "RANT" is in itself a confrontational term with a lot of negative qualities. I don't see why it is so hard to understand that there is a difference between good meaning criticism and bitching. One has a purpose, the other is a waste of our time.

I never said looks weren't important. This is exactly why we are constantly improving the visual aspects. It is also why the curret Beta looks almost nothing like the Beta Demo. What I said is that looks are SECONDARY in importance to the game. I also said we could keep making graphical improvements for YEARS (hardware always improves!), but at some point we have to say "good enough". If you choose to hold too high a standard, then we have no use for you as a customer. Sorry, but we aren't working every day until the wee hours of the night to put up with spoiled brat behavior. If you did not mean to present yourself in such a fashion, you need to learn a bit more about "inflection" in the English language or this will happen again here or elsewhere. Personally, your English is fluent enough that I think you know exactly what you wrote and why it wasn't received well.

Short of it is... take responsibility for your own mess. Your post deserved the abuse it received. Phrased a different way, with the same suggestions/observations, it wouldn't have raised even a single negative response (other than "SEARCH before you post!!"). There are literally thousands of examples of well received critical posts on this BBS, so it there is no point trying to paint this as "BTS doesn't like to hear criticism" since it is pure BS to say so.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 02-09-2000).]

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Guest John Pender

Howardb said,

"BTS need someone who doesn't just agree with everything but question certain things. I think that's how you can improve"

Hello Howardb,

People have been questioning BTS since this and the previous forum have been available, thats half the reason CM is as good as it is. The questions and suggestions submitted by readers of the forum have ranged from brilliant to braindead. If you look through the posts archives (unfortunately the posts from the old forum are gone?) you will see that BTS is open to all reasonable ideas suggestion and complaints. Funny thing is is that alot of the time BTS has even changed their stance on issues when challenged with a credible argument, presented in a courteous manner. I have to say I truly think they have been very receptive to the views of their potential customers. The game is awesome as it stands in the demo version and from all indications it will be much improved in the final release version. Just because they are not jumping on every complaint/suggestion now that they are in the final stages of development dose not mean that they dont care. It is obvious that they want to make the best game they can so it would be nice if all the naggers and complainers would hold their thoughts on CM1 changes and direct their ideas complaints request to CM2. And by all means try using some tact when you present your ideas.

Well guys I guess that almost qualifies as my first rant, sorry.

Take care


ps maybe in the future BTS will post a list of game changes and improvements that were influenced by ideas submitted by forum members. I think you will be surprised howard, AH64D, schrodie, other non believers.

Thanks BTS

Your unquestioning slave John

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Hey AH64D!

If you don't like the textures of the initial release, change them yourself! They are simple bitmap files! Re-paint them and SHUT UP!

Hell, CoolColJ is doing a fine job now with his Tweaked Textures. Go and download his.

Or should I even allow such an idiot access to someone else's hard work for free.

I was kinda with you at first with your Direct3D argument about producing translucent smoke faster than what is there now in the Beta, but lately you are starting to sound like a babbling un-informed FOOL and your post that started this thread pissed me off!

I wish BTS could track and block/cancel your pre-order.

I'm not even gonna go into the Voodoo 3Dfx issue. Because your wrong, mainly, and my rant on that would take too long.

And by the way, your call-name gives the world's greatest attack helicopter a bad name!


"I want you to remember that...no bastard ever won a war...by dying for his country...He won it...by making the other poor dumb bastard...die for his country."--George S. Patton

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-09-2000).]

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Methinks I need a rant too wink.gif....

People who think BTS doesn't listen simply either:

a) haven't been around for any time or

B) close their ears so they can continue holding stupid beliefs.

God, I get so mad when morons come on and start spinning webs of lies due to ignorance, congenital stupidity or malfeasance.

Anyone who thinks that internal critiques don't go on is congenitally stupid. Anyone who thinks testers aren't critical and constantly looking for things to improve is a moron.

Simply because I and others don't come into a public forum with our suggestions/ findings etc means sweet FA. We're simply observing confidentiality.

Frankly you all need to simply calm down a bit and realise most of what morons are complaining about are NON-ISSUES as you'll see in time and that by commenting on their rants you simply encourage them. The congenitally idiotic need very little encouragement BTW.

AH-64D made his points and stirred **** up. If he was serious about being listened to he should have been less confrontational when he made his initial post but I think the best thing for all the old hands here to do would be to simply stop joining in in the bitching and/or encouraging it cause usually the bitchers don't have a CLUE what they're talking about.

I can't give exact details cause of confidentiality etc but these guys REALLY don't have a clue and you'd all do yourselves a favour if you just ignored them.

Rant Mode OFF !

Ah, I feel better. This needed saying.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The congenitally idiotic need very little encouragement<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well that's just not fair. Why should the non-idotic get all the encouragement - and what about those who become idiotic by choice - don't they need some encouragement.

Unfortunately, congenital idiocy will always be with us. If you don't encourage these individuals you will drive them underground. This would be vastly more damaging for society as a whole (think Ukrainian nuclear power plant here).

for and on behalf of the

Federated Union of Congenital and Kleptomaniacal Idiots (Trotskyist)

[This message has been edited by Neutral Party (edited 02-09-2000).]

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