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Help Help New Video Card Problem Help Please!!!!

Guest Shatter50

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Guest Shatter50

I got a Voodoo 5 5500 PCI today installed it looks great but screen resolution is not the same when playing games only the text goes really big but rest of game is fine at least CM that is all I have tried. Another thing where ever the cursor is on the previuos screen the next screen has a plain black box where the cursor was on the previuos screen.

Also I have tried to post several other times and my PC locks up could this be the New Voodoo card.

I'll owe you one if anyone can help me out, I'll even owe you two

Please help going MAD.

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Sorry can't help you, but I can say welcome to the graphical weirdness of the Voodoo 5500 club. I was just saying earlier in a thread on the tech board that all the owners of the 5500, atleast PC owners, should get a petition going and mail it to Voodoo seeing that this problem is being ignored.

A member here, Juardis, received a response from Voodoo on this very subject, and the guy writing it claimed he didn't know what Juardis was talking about, his 5500 ran fine with CM.

I think we all need to band together to get something done, because as of right now your stuck with those problems unless you use the card in single chip mode.


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Guest Shatter50


I think we all need to band together to get something done, because as of right now your stuck with those problems unless you use the card in single chip mode.


What is Anti-Alaising

I am thinking about putting back my trusty Voodoo 3 2000 I never had a single problem with the Voodoo 3 2000 other than slow frame rate. Frame rate and graphics is basically why I bought this card. **** loads of people have told me "oh don't get the Geforce get the Voodoo because you won't have any problems with the Voodoo but you will the Geforce". What a bunch of crap. How could something over a year newer and $100 more work so crappy? Is there any other source you know of I can get some help????

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Guest Madmatt

Chances are when you installed your new Video Card you neglected to delete the Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file. Do that and CM will re-run the video test and allow you to select the desktop resolution and play at that screen size.

That file is located in the root of your CM game folder.


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Guest Madmatt

For the other issue you may need to play around with the FSAA setting for Direct 3D and also try selecting the Single Chip Rendering Option that located somewhere in the Voodoo Control Panel.


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Guest Shatter50

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

For the other issue you may need to play around with the FSAA setting for Direct 3D and also try selecting the Single Chip Rendering Option that located somewhere in the Voodoo Control Panel.


Thanks for the help I got the Alaising squared now when you say re-run video test is that when the white box shows up with a screen resolution if so that did occur.

Not to sure about location of prefs file.

[This message has been edited by Shatter50 (edited 12-11-2000).]

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Guest Shatter50

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Look in your CMBO directory... it's called "Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks I will try you guys are great better support than 3dfx can provide.

Battle front.com should open another section and hire a few of us just for mods help and any other tech help that anyone could need. Trust me there is better support here than any commercial name can give.

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Guest Shatter50

If anyone else reads this threads and has any info on my problem or has the same thing let me know I will check back later tomorrow.

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Guest Shatter50

Well forget about the problem I now have the Voodoo 5 5500 running like a charm. All I can say is with the 4 sample Anti-Alaising mode on CM look like nothing I have seen before. I had to mess with my monitor and other options as well 3dfx tool options and next thing I knew CM was like the closest thing to real I have seen.

There are still a few minor issues such as the black square from where the cursor was on the previous screen but I talk to a couple tech buddies and a patch is due next week or two that fixes this problem.

The last problem was all the text was a white box but only in the fast performance mode. Patch will also fix this.

But single chip mode ran fine, 2 sample Anti-Alaising work well to with better graphics, and then 4 sample Anti-Alaising brought out the colors I had been missing and the smooth lines (hell no lines) and also ran very smoothly on rather large battle. If you can get the thing to work the Voodoo 5 5500 is as good as I have seen.

Oh ya thanks Madmatt for the idiot help(idiot on my part). Anyone else too

[This message has been edited by Shatter50 (edited 12-11-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but I can say welcome to the graphical weirdness of the Voodoo 5500 club<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can say that I've never had any problems with my Voodoo5. As Matt has pointed out the guy just needs to delete his old CMBO pref file and restart the game. Nothing to do with the Voodoo card. Also make sure you have the latest drivers and have installed them properly. I have no idea why Matt suggests switching to single chip rendering for d3d. Anyhow go to to advanced properties under direct3d and opengl and switch on geometry assist and set the LOD bias to -1.50 and try it.



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Guest Shatter50

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

I can say that I've never had any problems with my Voodoo5. As Matt has pointed out the guy just needs to delete his old CMBO pref file and restart the game. Nothing to do with the Voodoo card. Also make sure you have the latest drivers and have installed them properly.



Well Tiger again

This guy here(me) did not only have CMBO prefs to delete.

That was only a minor problem all of the modes such fast perfromance works very bad no text in game screens just white boxes and black square from previous screen where ever your mouse cursor was located.

So please don't tell me I don't know what I am doing if this is what you where saying

Other than the black square that shows up the Voodoo 5 5500 looks great.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So please don't tell me I don't know what I am doing if this is what you where saying <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well just so sorry mr shatter I was not saying this at all. Must have been something you wanted to read into it. No need to get your panties in such a wad.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That was only a minor problem all of the modes such fast perfromance works very bad no text in game screens just white boxes and black square from previous screen where ever your mouse cursor was located.


try to at least write sentences that make sense. Can only hope that your new voodoo card burns out your system and sets you on fire then.



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Guest Shatter50

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

try to at least write sentences that make sense. Can only hope that your new voodoo card burns out your system and sets you on fire then.



Well Tiger

My admiration for you is running out fast. Just because your some big mod guy, you think this gives you the right to throw names around.

I hope your damn card & pc explodes with you with it and hopefully you house as well.

I do not usually type so crapy, but last night and today my computer keeps locking up so I lose all the typing I do, and have to start over

Who really cares are you a english professor???

Why don't you use your time more creatively

and make more of those mods your so good at instead of pissing people of.

I really only use this site for info on CM. You guys know I love this site and respect every member untill they start something I will finish.

Tiger I hope this does not piss you of to bad. Although you did start it.

[This message has been edited by Shatter50 (edited 12-12-2000).]

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