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Mortars Teams on Roofs?

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ok ran some quick tests, conclusion is that flat roofs are broken in CMBN, the flat roofs in CMFB work fine, you can deploy and fire American 60mm and 81mm from flat roofs in CMFB, you can not in CMBN, also in CMFB it will say roof as an option when you enter a flat roof building, in CMBN it will say level 4 instead of roof, something is way off

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I only know of one flat roof building in CMBN. It's a 3-story structure in the Other buildings section of the editor. Mortars can deploy on it just fine in a fresh test scenario I made. That means one of two things 1) There is at least one other flat roof building I don't know of, or 2) The was a bug that got fixed but it was "baked" into scenarios that had already been made.

Edited by Vanir Ausf B
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