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Multiplay / Map Editor ?

Guest KwazyDog

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi guys. Just a couple of quick questions concerning multiplay in CM.

Firstly, is it possible for players to play multiplayer campaigns? I havnt seen this one mentioed before, and was just curious.

Secondly, youve said before that it is possible for each playing in a multiplay game to 'buy' as such, each of their units before the game starts. Could you explaing this a little further. For example, is this basically as it is in say, steel panthers, or are you handling it in a different way? I think it is a good idea, as it allows for multiplay battles where you have no idea what you may come up again, even is youve played it before.

Lastly, could you tell us a little more about the map editor (I know youre busy smile.gif). Im wondering how flexible it is. Hilly terrain looks great, what resolution can it be modeled at? Can buildings be rotated on any angle? What is the maximum map size recommend? (3000m x 2000m if I recall)

Thanks for your trouble smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, you can play everything multiplayer. Unlike some games we don't make distinctions between things smile.gif

There is a feature called DYO (Design Your Own) scenario. It is basically a random map with on-the-fly purchased units. You can also load in a premade map, which means fighting over something you made with "surprises". Buying units is simple. Each side has points to spend depending on the DYO parameters. Both sides buy, both sides fight.

The editor is the same one we use for our scenarios. This means you can make anything we can. There are 4 levels of elevation difference; 3m, 6m, 9m, or 12m per level of elevation. This is determined by the scenario designer and is represented proportionally in graphical form. In other words, a 3m map will have gentle hills while a 12m map will have very steep ones. Small buildings can be roatated in eight directions, the large ones only 4. Max size has not been determined, but we are shooting for 3000mx3000m, or any combination that yields the same area. Campaign maps are larger and as of yet have no limit.


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Guest KwazyDog

Thanks for the response Steve. It seems every time I ask a question think it would be nice if it does this, you responses are always, yup, its already in smile.gif

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Regarding the quote:

Buying units is simple. Each side has points to spend depending on the DYO parameters. Both sides buy, both sides fight.

I'm familiar with the "buying" units for a scenerio and such, however, my question - is "buying" units only for two player games? Or will the computer player purchase and play? And if so, is it simply random or is AI able to calculate terrain and such to make an attack or defend properly?


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Multi-player? How many?

This brings back fond memories of Wargaming club in college. One night, using ASL, we set up a massive board with the town in the middle, sort of a Kelly's Heroes modified.

There was a counter in the middle building, and you had to get to it, pick it up, and transport it off your edge of the board.

Each player randomly picked 1 type of units (Wehrmacht, SS, US, British, French, Russian), and was allotted something like 1500 Req points to spend.

A grand free-for-all, with waves of Russian infantry, lots of mechanized troops, and surprises like "Who's that British guy over on top of that hill?" just as a spotting round drops in the middle of your troops.

Getting into town was only half the battle, getting back off your side was much more difficult.

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Guest Big Time Software

No idea how the AI will purchase units. That bit hasn't been done yet smile.gif However, I can assure you that some degree of logic will be used.

CM is 2 player only. The reasons for this have been touched upon in other threads, but basically boils down to 2+ being way more than we can do for the first release. To do it right we would have to have a game within a game.


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Guest KwazyDog

One more quick one smile.gif How many battles do you expect will make up a campaign? What is a reasonable amount...

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