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One great thing, the Audience counts

Guest titan

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No one here that i can recall has mention the other true great thing other than the game itself which we shall all be blessed with,and that is the gamers themselfs,it seems to me after reading alot of posts that everyone here (alot of our opponents ) are generally a more mature lot who seem like they will compete with other players in a more respectful way unlike some of the offense i saw awhile ago on some MSZ rooms ,and who will also play with a competive spirit and goodwill IE:NO 15YR old DICKHEADS or if they are 15 certainly mature ones

IN OTHER WORDS PEOPLE who appreciate a realistic game and take it abit more seriously,without verbal abuse

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I agree, and fall into that catagory..the 15yr old, No.. wink.gif

I'm a history buff, most of the people I know who are into serious WG are also history buffs. I re-enacted Confederate for two years, and we did everything by the history book, and accounts of the actual soldiers, I loved it. Stepping back in time is an amazing thing! It sure helps you reflect, and respect more of what the actual history was about.


Always wanted to try WWII re-enacting that would've been awsome!, maybe I'll still get that chance.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Hey I resent that!!!

I'm 14 and I'm already a history buff. You may not believe me but I am. My friends are all busy playing the Quake 3 test while I was memorizing armor penetration for a 7.5cm Pak 40!! I'm glad BTS is making a game that some of the slower people won't understand because it is to realistic. One of my friends bought Rainbow 6 and sold it because it was too realistic and he could quite grasp the fact that life is not like Doom games. BTS I also applaud the support you have for game that has not even been realeased yet!!!

I tried to find info on CC2 at Microsoft's page and they will hardly even aknowledge the fact that they made a Mac version. Again thanks BTS. And to all you people who will judge by my age and will assume that I don't understand the tactics of WWII I can't wait to play against you when the game is released. I can flank as well as anyone.


"The object of war is not

to die for your country,

but to make the other

bastard die for his"

George Pat

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You tell them, Colin- I was like you at your current age, playing wargames while everybody else was doing whatever it was they were doing. Of course, when I was your age, there weren't any PC's (creak!). Parts of this forum are starting to get a little ugly. CC2, CC3, CM, and all the other acronyms are games: some are good, some are lousy- however, none will cure cancer or generally make the world a better place. They are just games, so let's just kick back and enjoy them with each other.

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Guest KwazyDog

Dont worry Colin, I was the same when I was your age smile.gif That was 10 years ago now, hehe, and you should have seen the games we had back then. Quite detailed all things considered, but not all that pretty smile.gif

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No offence Colin frown.gif

I said the above as a refferce to the 15 year dickhead example as a joke. Titan also makes it clear that there are other 'mature' teens like yourself!

Relax friend, I too was the same at your age too, but I must admit...I still like going online and doing some doomesqe stuff, like Team Fortress, maybe I haven't grown up yet? smile.gif

Kudos Fellow Wargamer!


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Guest KwazyDog

SGTRock, Ive been know to play quite a bit of Action Quake in the past myself. Wasnt going to admit it though, hehe smile.gif

I think those games are great stress relief. Wargames are a great mental challange. smile.gif I need both from time to time, though I enjoy the later much more.

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Keep up the good work. I'm convinced that many don't give young people the break they deserve, while others pamper you guys too much. I just feel that as far as wisdom etc. that age isn't necessarily the determining factor. I don't feel that I'm much wiser at 29 than I was at 15, but then again I think I was pretty smart at 15.


First Person Shooter games are fun sometimes, but I tell you they lose my interest after about an hour. I could play a good wargame all day though.

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No offense to yourself colin,just a comment on the bulk of your age group,with exeptions with people such as youself.

I would just like to make the point that a great deal of the people here such as myself are ex-military or appreciate a well crafted war game where you can rip your opponents arm off and beat him to death with it,in a verbally humble manor :)

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Titan: I dislike juveniles that have poor attitudes while gaming

as much as anyone. But in the future could you not use foul

language when describing such things. As you have seen in this

thread, there are kids that read these boards and no doubt some

even younger than 14. Let's keep the board clean and in good taste.


[This message has been edited by Lee (edited 09-26-99).]

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I'm sure many of us played CC2 at the zone,

Remember Delta Charlie (I believe that was his name)? His son of eight years old, echo delta I believe, used to play as well. Always thought that was pretty cool, I'd be pretty stoked if my kid was interested in wargaming smile.gif

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Just to let you know Colin, I'm right into youth culture, I'm not one of those guys that sit on his tush and says; "Well in my day youngman we.. yada-yada-yada.."

I'm sure the rest the other guys on this board aren't either!

Again Kudos, Fellow Wargammer!


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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I think it is great that we have a variety of ages here. In addition to finding/talking with other players, I've learned a whole lot from all the really knowledgable posters.

But where are the women??? smile.gif

I don't think I've seen one post from a women, and I've read every post from June onwards.

Why do I have to pick hobbies in which the participants are 90+ % guys?


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Not to worry Colin, we had you pegged for a sharp kid right off -- at least I did. And hanging and competing with this bunch will only hone you more.

Just remember the value of humility among your peers. That is a lesson I learned too late in life and it cost me a lot of relationships. If you sense that you have a superior mind (and it sounds like you do), find ways to use it for teaching, helping and giving, not for dismissing, condescending and judging. The person who will lose on the latter path is you, because you will miss all of the gifts that your less mentally muscular peers have to share. Lecture over.

Regarding running into immaturity at sites. My worst experience was at the World Opponent Network (WON) site for Bed Baron II. I had been used to the Civil War Generals II WON site, which is comprised of people like we have here -- mature, serious, historical types. By the way, if you have not played CWGII, you really must try it.

Anyway, I won a contest on WON and got Red Baron II as the prize. Once I learned to fly and built up my confidence, I logged onto the RBII WON site (it is a chat forum combned with a game server which facilitates multi-player combat via Internet). I swear on my life that I was not on for 5 seconds before somebody was swearing at me in the heaviest language imaginable. I said something about not appreciating it and asked if this was how they treated all new comers to the site. The response was more cursing combined with challenges to do something about it in the air. I replied that I prefered to fight against artificial intelligence rather than no intelligence at all, and got out of there.

What a deterrent! I commented to the WON moderators (who are loosely affiliated with Sierra)at the CWGII site that I thought it was ridiculous. Why didn't the monitors at the RBII site clamp down on that stuff? At the CWGII site, foul language is absolutely forbidden. They said that each site is moderated differently.

There is no doubt in my mind that letting that stuff go hurts sales. RBII is an excellent combat flight sim. I would love to strap it on against some serious cyber pilots out there if they were a mature lot like yourselves. But that one experience guaranteed that I will never buy another WON enabled flight sim from Sierra.



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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" My worst experience was at the World Opponent Network (WON) site for Bed Baron II. "

Up kinda late there, eh Pix?...or whatever else was on your mind? (Fruedian slip) wink.gif

Loved the come back AI vs NI


gotta use that one sometime



Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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