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Guest Big Time Software

No problem. If you want to see the detailed reason why there are no beach assaults, take a swing at Searching. There were a couple of long threads about this a ways back (several months at least).

Glad you found us smile.gif


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After the "response" to my take on CC3 I think that there'd be hitmen after me if it was learned I was reviewing CC4 wink.gif.

My basic take is that CC is moving farther away from grognardism all the time and that I am dissapointed by the unrealistic nature of CAS, Calliopes, rocketHTs etc.

I also think that the campaign screen not allowing concentration of force in a sense whic I feel is meaningful is a shame.

I don't see much there for me BUT the real killer for the game will be the pathfinding issues IMO since people who buy CC4 and don't even know what a Calliope is WILL know that it shouldn't reverse towards the enemy wink.gif

It's a shame since I think CC did a lot of things right early on and it was innovative but I think that they're positioning it less in the wargame aisle and more in the RTS aisle.

Sudden Strike has done the same. It is unabashedly an RTS and is a lot of fun. It cheerfully admits to putting fun before realism and so when I did my preview of it I judged it on that basis (the pathfinding in it is GREAT BTW... I tried hard to break it in the press preview copy I got but couldn't make it act stupidly...) and gave it a very good preview (it should be posted at TGN soon .. I handed it in a good while ago but hven't seen it posted yet).

I think CC4 is paying a high price for being caught straddling two markets. I feel that it isn't going to truly satisfy either and that the lure of sales may pull it fully into the RTS market.. Sudden Strike is unashamedly an RTS and ends up being a better RTS than CC IMO while CC, by comparison, may end up dissapointing RTSers AND wargamers.

The risk you run in straddling a couple of genres is that you mightn't be good enough in either of the genres to make an impact. In those cases you're better off to pick ONE genre and simply stick to it... I think Atomic will probably be seen moving more into the RTS genre than back into the hardcore wargaming genre.

To anyone at Atomic reading this... No offence but that's my honest take. CC5 could probably present a major leap in realism to RTS players (due to the psych modelling etc) if you slip wholly into the RTS market BUT so long as you straddle both I think you won't fully sate either gamer type and are gonna continue getting a buffeting from both.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I forgot what the internet adress was but it was the one with the all those little flames. I think it was called hotpicks. The review with the website was one of the reviews from a consumer. He said if you wanted to play a real World War Two game to come here and download CM.

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