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Need some help fleshing out an idea I have for a grand WW2 sim

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Hello fellow wargamers!


So, I'm going to try and start a massive, potentially multi year long WW2 campaign via PC gaming (and some miniature gaming)


95% of this will be done via PC games. Mainly the Battlefront Combat Mission v2 series and Men at War Assault Squad 2 and now....possibly Hearts of Iron 4. Just found out that Hearts of Iron 4 WILL NOT keep track of losses at the end of battles, so this might exclude it.


Land warfare is my primary concern, so aerial/naval engagements will be secondary.


My reason for posting this is to get others who have done this or attempted to do this.

What was your plan of attack? How did you play out your battles? Small engagements? Larger ones? 


How would you allocate resources? I'm breaking down production by months, so for instance…..May 42 Germany get's 100 Pz III F (hypothetical here)…..how would you allocate them?….20 for homeland defense….30 to North Africa and the other 50 to the Russian Front?


Any comments welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read this and contribute in any way!

Edited by acctingman1969
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How grand is 'grand'?


If you're doing TheWholeFreakingWarAndEverythingInIt, then allocation is the players problem, not yours. If simHitler decides he wants to send all 100 PzIIIF to northern Norway, well, then, let him go for it.

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I guarantee that you wont even finish an Operational level game ( Market Garden, Bulge, etc ) using CMx1 or CMx2 in your lifetime.


I think you should look into playing John Tiller's Campaign Series or Operational Art of War and incorporate that into an Operational Level Game...Then, you might finish by the time your kids get to be your age now. 

Edited by JoMc67
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Imagine trying to play WW2 at a one-model-to-one-man scale as a figures tabletop game. That's CMx2. Simply can't be done. Given that an hour of game time, in WeGo can take days of play time, extending the time-to-play even further, and that in a world-scale war there will be hundreds of actions going on at any given minute, your ambition is far, far outside your reach.


In CMx2 the smallest element you can command is a team, and the largest (meaningfully) is probably a squad. Sure, sometimes you can shortcut an entire company's movement orders, but not if they're engaged with the enemy, or even potentially so. If you want an idea of what CMx2 can handle, download the demos. They're free. Or watch the Armchair General videos or any of the videos on YouTube. Yes, it's a skirmish game. Even more so than CMx1 was, and nobody gamed the whole war in that engine either. You'll encounter sarcasm if you turn up here not knowing the first, most basic thing about the game and start launching into grandiose plans, I imagine.


And from what I've seen of HOI4, you might prefer HOI3 (with its 3 expansions - don't even consider anything less). You use the word "sim", and my impression is that HOI4 is going to be less of a sim than the older title (so much so that I have once again given up on their forums). Probably cheaper to get 3 as a bundle off Steam, too. And 4 isn't going to be out this year, either, or early next, even, so you can get 3 now. There are lots of mature mods and DLC for that product too.

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I remember back in my 'Gamers Hobby Shop' days ( about 25 yrs ago ) we had someone who wanted to play the whole Italian/Med Theater. He had a Strategic Layer rule book that he made-up, and wanted to use Micro-Armor Miniatures to solve the battles...Needless to say it never materialized.


I still think the Computer Game 'The Operational Art of War' ( over @ Matrix and allows you to create different size Units) or a Table-Top Miniatures Game that has one Unit=Battalion (only couple of those on the Market) is your best bet...This should allow you to play a major Operation in Europe, but nothing to the scale of a World at War. 

Edited by JoMc67
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