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Pre-planned CAS - messed up?


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I am paying a battle as Ukraine where I have been given 2x Su25. I order each them to heavy point strike a building deep inside enemy positions. They have thrown all bombs off (both) targets. I try to experiment again with light point target. One of them again released heavy bombs (!?) again completely off target. 


Is preplanned CAS supposed to be that messed up or is it a bug?

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idk. my su25s (almost only air support i buy bc its price samw with f15e on US) i have bombs on target rockets are meh but sometimes. howeber they shine on light preplanned missions. in an area that defjnitely or probably has armor most of the target area marker goes on it with a target light. they use 30mm cannon and it shreds abram subsystems, kills other US vehicles. usually overlapping with this area but for heavy positions ans the odd luck where a bomb directly strikes an mbt a target heavy. admittedly so far in BS the only definite hit - penetration with an AC bomb was on T90 of MOS' with an F15. the resulting explosion....

off topic but even though i hate the US has mines theyre great because they can outright KO BMPs and Khriz more than frequently and cause a catastrophic explosion. the opposite is not true against US equip. mbts from any side just get immobilized.

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