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Confused how to end Campaign missions?

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So I'm playing the German Campaign "blunt the Spear"....


And I have all four victory locations with no Russians in sight, The timer has counted down to Zero but has now turned red and has gone into overtime?? Im 10 minutes into the red so far...


How do I win this mission? Am I forced to cease fire? I tried to cease fire but I got only a minor victory.... I reviewed the map and all they have left is one member of a spotter team and a tank hunter team hiding in the woods.


Do I need to cease fire just because these 3 guys are still alive? Time doesnt run out? Won't cease fire impact my final score/victory?


What is the point of the game time/timer? if it just go's into overtime once it has finished....


Im new to CMx2 b ut played a lot of CMx1.



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The scenario timer allows for up to an extra 15 minutes being added to the clock, and so that is the case here, and the mission will end after 15 minutes of overtime.


if you've ceased fire and got a minor victory than that is almost certainly what you will get when the mission ends. I can think of nothing that will see the victory level change in those last few minutes.


Note scoring is not binary, and in the Blunting the Spear missions, the Red Army scores points for successfully withdrawing units off the map to fight another day.





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The scenario timer allows for up to an extra 15 minutes being added to the clock, and so that is the case here, and the mission will end after 15 minutes of overtime.


if you've ceased fire and got a minor victory than that is almost certainly what you will get when the mission ends. I can think of nothing that will see the victory level change in those last few minutes.


Note scoring is not binary, and in the Blunting the Spear missions, the Red Army scores points for successfully withdrawing units off the map to fight another day.





Extra 15 minutes? why? why not just include that time in the normal time? How do I know there is an extra 15 minutes for future missions?


I read the CMBN manual as it seems to have more details,  Im guessing I allowed too much Russian Infantry and tanks to escape, How do I tell for future scenerios where the exit point is?


I would have thought a cease fire would have caused me to lose points, guess I was wrong.

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Extra 15 minutes? why? why not just include that time in the normal time? How do I know there is an extra 15 minutes for future missions?

So that you can't be sure when the scenario will (artificially) end. It discourages unsustainable "victory location rush" tactics (where you squeeze an asset onto the VL right before the known end-time, knowing that it will survive the last 30s, but probably wouldn't survive another 5 minutes. The actual "overtime" can be random, so while the designer might add a 15 minute extension, it could end up only being 12.



I read the CMBN manual as it seems to have more details,  Im guessing I allowed too much Russian Infantry and tanks to escape, How do I tell for future scenerios where the exit point is?


The manual doesn't tell you what the victory conditions in the game were. That's, as far as you're able to determine them, in the briefing. There is no way of knowing where the enemy has to exit their troops, or even, necessarily, that they have to. The clues will be in the briefing: "Stop the Russians exiting the east edge of the map." Is pretty clear, for example, whereas "Escaping Russian units will cause you problems later," is a bit more vague, but suggests that you should try and destroy as many as possible, or cut them off from retreat.




I would have thought a cease fire would have caused me to lose points, guess I was wrong.

Cease Fire is just the way you end the game early without Surrendering. It's only deterministic if you're playing the AI. If you're playing another human, it doesn't take effect until they also hit Cease Fire. And, to avoid the confusion that snagged me, you don't get any indication in-game that a Cease Fire has been offered; you just have to communicate that to your opponent some other way.

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I've never "Ceased Fire" nor have I (yet) "Surrendered" to the Almighty AI. Still, I did learn something here, as we talk about playing into The Red Zone of extra time. The clock's never gone beyond +5 minutes for me. Didn't realize you could get 10 let alone 15 minutes added on.


Some bastards have all the luck.

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