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I just re-Purchased breakthrough although I already own it and am supposed to be able to re-download it. However I got a license error and after over a week I got no response from a filed ticket. So I re-purchased the game and re-downloaded it get the sme GD license error. Spent another $25.00 for nothing and ideas on how to fix as Battlefront certainly is NOT responsive!


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I don't understand why you didn't get a response to your ticket. We usually help people within the same day, so I'm baffled as to why you didn't receive an immediate (or nearly so) response. What is the ticket number and I'll look into it.

As to your problem, under no circumstances would we have expected/asked you to repurchase the game. The download link is an issue with our older systems. Despite telling people, up front, that the link wasn't permanent and it was the customer's responsibility to make a backup, too may people did not do this. So we subsequently switched to a system that offered permanent links. When someone who placed an order under the old system is looking for a new link we provided it to him without charge.

The licensing problem is a separate matter. If you used your original code then it is probably that all activations were consumed because you didn't unlicense. A common problem for which there is an extremely simple fix on our end. We do this for people every day. Why a new license would not work is unknown at this time as you haven't provided enough information.

So, please let me know what your ticket number is and I'll take care of your various issues tomorrow (Sunday) when I am back in the office. Also, when you find your ticket number please update it with your two most recent order numbers so I can give you a refund on both.


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Thank you for your quick and  kind  response, When I filed two tickets I had not gotten any response till after your note here, I did get a personal email. When I try to log in on the help desk with my name and password the fields simply go blank. My order numbers are 296977 and 296956. I really wanted to replay these game but was upset by the theory I could re-download them and got a license error please contact the distributor. So I opened a ticket., no response. Then with no avail I figured screw , no response, I would just rebuy them. The first one global war works, the second break through does not. I am not looking for a refund , I just want to be able to play these great games again even if I did have to re-spend some money!  

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Yup, I see what happened now. Looks like your email rejected our response from the Helpdesk, so we did respond and you unfortunately didn't know that. Unfortunately sometimes it is treated as SPAM because it's coming from an automated system. We also received an email in the support@battlefront.com inbox at the time you posted here, so you would have got a response from that if you had used it earlier.

I'll keep the tech support stuff confined to your ticket as that's the purpose of having Help Desk software :) I'll close this thread now so we're not doing things in two places at once. And you'll get a refund for your other two purchases. That's the only correct path to go down.


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