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Why I would've lost the National Spelling Bee--had I qualified to begin with!

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Take a look at the first word which had to be spelled in the last round. Makes me feel profoundly ignorant--vs a 14 year old!




I've watched some of those National Spelling Bees over the years, frequently coming away feeling as though, relative to many of the contestants, I had no vocabulary. Their knowledge of a sea of words, their root expressions and etymologies was imply astounding. I'm pretty well read, but it was frightening to run into so many words I'd never encountered before. Here's who keeps winning the National Spelling Bee and why.


What's show below would've killed me on the first word. The second would've sufficed, too. Never saw or heard either word!





John Kettler





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Did better than moi. I got killed by "undoubtedly," which I'd somehow never seen written. In what I believe was my first year of junior high, I got hit with it, but was undone because our vice principal running the show twice drawled it as "undoubtably." Thus ended my march to spelling bee glory! 




John Kettler

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Heh, rub it in.


Are spelling bees even possible in countries outside the Anglo-sphere? English with its quirky, often irrational constructs uniquely lends itself to this kind of competition. A Spanish Bee? Unthinkable. Spanish is phonetic. As are most languages. 


Here's a Norman Rockwell print from 1918, "Cousin Reginald Spells Pelopennesus.". The winner's on the left:


Admit it. You hate the insufferable, little twerp.
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