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For lack of new info, how about this poll . . .

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Hey PeterNZ (or anyone else from 'Down Under'),

I've been wondering for some time now...

When the Olympics are held in Sydney, will they be called Summer or Winter Olympics? I mean, they'll be doing all the summertime activities, right (track and field, cycling, etc.), and to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere it'll be summer. But to the hometown folks it'll be the dead of winter.

Not that it matters to me, I'll still be playing CM, but I've been curious for awhile now...


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Guest PeterNZ

lots of locals online. Wellington here in nz has like.. the second highest rate of people being online in the world or something.

Summer or winter in sydney, it's all the same. Hot and sunny!

I know about 20 kiwis alone who fly a ww2 flight sim together online (warbirds) and there are many other examples of such groupings, esp. in the FPS scene which is a little less generalised.


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Just on those Olypmics. It'll be early Spring for us and late Summer/early Fall for you Yanks (*). Max temperatures at that time are around 20 deg C (68 deg F). But you might get the odd day when it hits 30 deg C (86 deg F) or 15 deg C (59 deg F). Don't be surprised if it rains for a week: early Spring is notorious for that. Oh, and the traffic will be appalling. Coastal Sydney (the beaches and harbour) is beautiful, while inland Sydney is ugly endless suburbia. So if you do come, you're better off ignoring the Olympics and hanging out at the beach or on the harbour. smile.gif

(*) IIRC, seasons in the US start on solstice and equinox dates (which are around the 20th/21st of the month), while here in Australia they start on the 1st of the month. So for example, in the US, winter starts on December 21st (am I right?) and for us Aussies, summer starts December 1st. The reason for this difference is entirely human. smile.gif


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