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Differences Between: Alpha, Demo and Final Release.

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

I have a couple of quickie questions that any of the Beta-Testers or certainly BTS, can answer. I have just finished reading the complete AAR's of Fionn and Martin's epic struggle and noticed a few 'visual' differences from what I am seeing in the demo.

The most obvious is in the depiction of the explosions. I noticed that in the Alpha version, mortar and heavy artillary explosions seem to be more ummm 'solid'? It appears to be cool looking 'fire textured mapped' dome while the explosions in the Demo seem (on my TNT 2 at home and Rage 3d at work) to be more opaque or clear with just a hint of color. Is this becasue of the demo just having 'scaled' down graphics due to file size or have the explosions just been changed? I for one really like the look of the Alpha exlosions, seem scary almost!

The second graphic change I noticed was in the depiction of both the Bazooka and Panzerfaust exhaust trails. I thought I had read a thread on this topic before (my guess was that it was a big topic similar to the whole dead bodies issue wink.gif) but was unable to find any mention of this using the search feature. In the Alpha, I couldn't help but see a very impressive smoke 'trail' flowing behind the lauched bazooka and panzerfaust shot. Has this been removed?

One last question, is there an actual graphic for the fighter-bombers?

Hey Fionn! Jabo's coming for ya! wink.gif

Madmatt out...and resting comfortably!

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Actually in the beta demo I see fountains of earth thrown up be explosions.. Are you not getting them?

I have some great screenshots of 210mm howitzer shells causing huge fountains of earth to shoot up wink.gif

To answer your question. Yes, explosion graphics have been changed to include fountains of earth.

2. Yes, after comments on the forum re: the smoke trails being unrealistic this was changed.

3. No graphics for Jabos since they're above the field of battle AND FWIW I oppose any greater depiction of Jabos. If you wish to also ask for the removal of Jabos please join the "Save our Panzers" campaign wink.gif.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Madmatt


Oh, I get the fountains of earth but I don't get that solid dome of fire color that the AAR's depicted. I guess the dirt shower was put into to replace the solid fire dome?

Now that I think about it, I never even realized that the Alpha didn't have dirt in the explosions...Hmmm well thats why I asked!

Madmatt out, and wishing he had more British Isle Friends! wink.gif This will make sense all too soon!

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Guest L Tankersley

I see the same explosions Madmatt sees, not the fiery ones from the alpha AAR screenshots. Fionn, are your explosions sort of translucent expanding spheres (with fountains of earth, natch) or expanding spheres of flame?

Wonder if this is a platform issue, or a graphics card/driver issue.

Leland J. Tankersley

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The explosions in the PBEM game were basically a bug of my graphics card. They never were intended to be solid. And believe me, although it might look not bad for the screenshots, it's not half as nice to see in the game. I prefer the new graphics by far. BTW, when you look at Fionns AARs, his explosions always were translucent.

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Guest Madmatt


When your right your right! And you my friend (everyone on this board is my frined! BTW who WAS that OSCAR guy anyway wink.gif) are right. I never noticed before, but after you mentioned it Fionns explosions were translucent. If you say the solid doesn't look as cool then I believe ya! I was just curious. I do like the look of the smoke trail with the anti-tank weapons but if CM says nope, then Nope it is!

Madmatt out, questions answered and all is right with the world...Well....maybe not quite... biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-08-99).]

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Guest Scott Clinton

While we are on the subject of 'explosions', etc...

I noticed that in the demo HE shells (of all types) make nice little craters everywhere...except on the paved roads. I assume this has been addressed in the newer versions.

I just have not seen it mentioned anywhere and thought this was a good time.


The Grumbling Grognard

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Guest Madmatt

***And Madmatt, I am truly honored to be your *frined*, regardless of what color your explosions are.

Hehehehe errr umm ommmm? Whoops! To late to edit it now, it wouldn't be 1/2 as funny! smile.gif

Madmatt out...and entirely too tired to fight it anymore! biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-09-99).]

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With regard to the explosion graphics:

I imagine it would look nice to have them start being solid and bright white, then expand, turn yellow and become transparent and finally fade away becoming completely transparent. I have no idea if this is difficult to do or not, but I, too, liked the fireballs, which is why I suggest this.

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Guest R Cunningham

I vote for no fireballs. Real explosions from mortars, artillery, tanks etc. are not balls of flame. They are fountains of dirt. There is a flash but the impact fuzes drive into the ground before the explosion occurs and kicks up all kinds of dirt. The best representation of this I've seen from Hollywood was the artillery prep in A Bridge Too Far when the Brit artillery walked a small barrage in on the German AT Guns in the woods.

I would like to see some advanced fog-like effect to represent the dust the would so rapidly obscure the battlefield. Then you'd really have some Fog of War to talk about.

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Cunningham, you are right (with air-bursts and HE on hard surfaces being the exception). I just wanted to suggest a reasonable improvement of the existing system, which would combine both solid and transparent explosions in a physically meaningful matter.

As for realistic explosions: B17 II seems to have the most advanced technology, but I myself have no idea how you could realize a realistic explosion in a "cheap" manner. Maybe with animated textures ...

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