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Are my eyes that bad? - purchase points


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One thing with points I am trying to better understand of is how a unit's "worth" relates to assigning points in the design phase.

- If I make a battle with only terrain occupy objectives only those points are counted for VPs?

- If I add % enemy casulaties (flesh and blood) with points in the parameters section, those points are added to the above

if the threshold is obtained?

- To obtain VPs for AFVs and other equipment (not flesh and blood) like guns, they would have to be assigned to a destroy/destroy all unit objective with points. That way VPs are given if the enemy assaults the gun and wipes out both gun (unit obj) and crew (casualties).

Should the purchace points in the QB editor be used as a guide here? Looks like a tiger is worth about 300 points each so a platoon would be 4 to 5 times that.

That's lot of points in comparison to what I assign to terrain objectives ie 100's of points not thousands. For exit objectives, I guess the same is true?


PS: seems "destroy" is more flexible than "destroy all" in that destroy all would mean the entire platoon be left on the map for points to be awarded.

Thanks guys

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One thing with points I am trying to better understand of is how a unit's "worth" relates to assigning points in the design phase.

There is no correlation between QB unit point values and victory condition points.

- If I make a battle with only terrain occupy objectives only those points are counted for VPs?

As long as the side that gains occupy points for that location has uncontested control of that objective (ie, at least one friendly unit inside the painted victory zone and no enemy units of any type in the victory zone)

- If I add % enemy casulaties (flesh and blood) with points in the parameters section, those points are added to the above

if the threshold is obtained?

Victory points are cumulative. Parameter victory points will be awarded in addition to occupy terrain victory points as long as the parameter is met. If the parameter is not met then no points will be awarded.

- To obtain VPs for AFVs and other equipment (not flesh and blood) like guns, they would have to be assigned to a destroy/destroy all unit objective with points. That way VPs are given if the enemy assaults the gun and wipes out both gun (unit obj) and crew (casualties).

I'm not sure I follow you here, but there is no differentiation between equipment and men when assigning destroy victory points. Destroy points are similar to casualty parameters with the exception that the parameter points are awarded only if the threshold is met while destroy points can be awarded in correlation with the percentage of the unit that gets destroyed. In other words the entire unit doesn't need to be destroyed in order to gain the points for that destruction. If 50% of the unit is destroyed then the player can be awarded 50% of the points.

Should the purchace points in the QB editor be used as a guide here? Looks like a tiger is worth about 300 points each so a platoon would be 4 to 5 times that.

You can if you want, but I believe that you are over thinking the situation. You can assign any point values you want to to any formation that you want to. If you want an infantry battalion to be worth 100 destroy points then that's all that will be awarded if the unit is entirely destroyed.

That's lot of points in comparison to what I assign to terrain objectives ie 100's of points not thousands. For exit objectives, I guess the same is true?


Like I mentioned, you can assign destroy points in any amount that you want to. There is absolutely no connection between QB purchase points and destroy points that you choose to assign to any given formation. You can make an entire battalion worth five points if you want to.

PS: seems "destroy" is more flexible than "destroy all" in that destroy all would mean the entire platoon be left on the map for points to be awarded.

Thanks guys

Yes. It really just depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Creating the right victory conditions is one of the most difficult aspect of scenario design. Just a slight tweak in the victory conditions can mean the difference between one side winning and one side losing. I think when most players discuss 'balance' they are talking about the actual way the battle plays out when they fight it (win or lose), but even if the battle feels right to the players if your victory conditions aren't properly tuned you can end up with a situation that might be unbalanced in terms of final victory as opposed to the actual way the battle plays out. Exit victory conditions give destroy points to the other side for units that the friendly side fails to exit so exit victory conditions are very tricky to work with.

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Thanks ASL

Sorry for the basic questions. I only used the CMSF editor for a month or so when the it was first released with the game.

Please correct me where I am incorrect.

- Make a Terrain objective only battle and only the points assigned to those objectives are used in the victory calculation. Casualties are ignored.

- To make Casuaities relavent the designer has two ways via assigning points in parameters and/or using unit objectives.

If all these assignments are made the points gained are added up and used in the victory calculation. (Objective + parameter Casualties + unit objective Casualties)

I am sure I will have a few more less basic questions.


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Thanks ASL

Sorry for the basic questions. I only used the CMSF editor for a month or so when the it was first released with the game.

Please correct me where I am incorrect.

- Make a Terrain objective only battle and only the points assigned to those objectives are used in the victory calculation. Casualties are ignored.

- To make Casuaities relavent the designer has two ways via assigning points in parameters and/or using unit objectives.

If all these assignments are made the points gained are added up and used in the victory calculation. (Objective + parameter Casualties + unit objective Casualties)

I am sure I will have a few more less basic questions.


Yes, you have it. The only thing I would add is that Occupy terrain objectives need to be held when scenario time expires. There are also Touch terrain objectives that award points immediately when the friendly player enters the painted zone. Touch objectives are good for when a friendly force is advancing and you don't want to force the advancing force to leave a string of troops behind sitting on occupy objectives.

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