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ANZAC and Indian units in Storm Over Europe

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I'm taking a last look at the graphics of Storm Over Europe.

I've noticed that there is a separate activation icon for the Commonwealth. I've also noticed that, in the early war at least, you can only purchase garrisons.

Does the Commonwealth icon refer to Indian and ANZAC units or just ANZAC units (both were very active in the campaigns in North Africa)? I have put together a Blue Ensign activation icon which works very nicely for Australia and New Zealand, but not so well for Indians.

I've noticed that there is an event that puts an Australian and a New Zealand corps into Egypt. Is there something like that for the Indians? Or to put it another way, how are Indian units represented?

What flag to use for the Indians is a bit problematic, but it's either the British Union flag (the official state flag) or a defaced Red Ensign (the unofficial flag that they used for international events, including joining the U.N. at the end of the war).

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I've also noticed that when the French Foreign Legion shows up in Cairo they use a Commonwealth activation icon. The 13 DBLE was brigaded with an Australian unit during the invasion of Syria, and tended to use British uniforms and equipment later on in the war, distinguishing it from its slightly more collaborationist former colleagues in Algeria, so I suppose a case could be made for not giving it the Free French activation icon, but a little more Gallic identity would be nice.

I'm also toying with giving the Palmach element of the Palestine garrison a bit more recognition by using a Star of David as the Palestine garrison's activation icon. But given the scale of the units I'm not sure it's a good idea. It probably works if only one small garrison unit uses it, otherwise it's probably too much of a distortion (and I'm not as pleased with the graphics -- Star of David is as hard to represent in 14 by 14 pixels as the swastikas on the larger Reichskriegflagge and Parteiflagge.

On an unrelated side note I've tried repainting the eisenkreutz activation icon into a more WW II-themed balkenkreuz, and am satisfied with the result (in other words that is one experimental feature that will certainly show up in version 1.08 of the SOE Historical Flag mod, if I ever get around to posting it).

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Hi Philippe

The Indian unit which arrives at Basra is represented as if it were a British unit, whereas the Australian and New Zealand units are represented as Commonwealth units.

The reason for this is that the Indian unit's arrival is tied in to the British dealing with Iraq, and if it were a Commonwealth unit then the loss of Egypt would (in game engine terms) prevent its arrival.

Having it as British guarantees its arrival providing the UK is still in the war.


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So should I assume that all of the Indian units that fought in the Western Desert will get subsumed into British units (i.e. units that use a crown for an activations symbol)? I've probably done away with the simple Union flag symbol, unless I decide to keep it for Palestine.

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