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Some more new screenshots

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software


If you look at the halftrack shot you will see lots of craters near the road. Now you know why the HTs are all going off the beaten track wink.gif It wasn't a Mustang, but Shermans aren't very nice to run into either! While playing this game 2 HTs were blown up, one of which must have been a minor hit as only one out of 10 guys was a casualty. The other was not as lucky!


If you only knew how hard it is to play a turn without replaying the "movie" at least 3 times all the way through...


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Have you guys put in night fighting and/or bad weather yet? After seeing all of these cool winter shots, I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other weather related graphics..

Two other points. First, why do neither the SPW 251/1 or the M3 halftracks from the earlier screenshots have ammo listed? I thought the at least had MGs.. Or is this due to different versions? I'm not too well versed on the variants...

Secondly, why was there never a link to this shot of the Jumbo? Or at least, I never saw it before i went snooping through the pictures directory wink.gif

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Beta to hear what the other testers have to say...

[This message has been edited by Ben Galanti (edited 08-12-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Night graphics are in. If you're really nice to Steve he might show you a screenshot. wink.gif We're still working on the inclement weather graphics.


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Guest Big Time Software

We don't track ammo for vehicle MGs as it tended to be ample.

Not sure about the missing link to that screenshot.


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Guest John Maragoudakis

Nice winter trees. Cam on vehicles is 1st rate. Question, will you put lights on vehicles. During the night will we see lights in the distance before we see the vehicles? Will having lights on at night affect vehicle top speed?

Applies less to tanks. Say there was a convoy driving down a road at night. Thought it would look spooky to see the lights approaching through the woods.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 08-12-99).]

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Excellent screenshots!! They downloaded pretty dang slow on my computer though. Don't know if it's your server or my Internet connection.

The Stug was the coolest looking thing yet. The shot of the Panthers leading the halftracks wasn't as pretty, because it was zoomed out further, but I think it gives a better idea of how we will actually play the game.

If the interface isn't too difficult, I definitely think CM will have the potential of snagging some non-wargamers.

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Guest Big Time Software

Ah, that shot was SUPPOSED to have been posted about a month ago, but for some reason the link was either never made or destroyed. I will put it up officially smile.gif

John, no to headlights. Too much CPU power to do lighting effects like that, plus vehicles driving in combat zones used blackout lights only.

Rick, thanks! The interface is the easiest, most flexible, and powerful system ever developed for a wargame. I am not kidding. Charles and I credit this to being Mac users from the 1980s (i.e. we KNOW GUI very well!) and caring enough to spend the time getting it right. Usually game design puts UI dead last in terms of importance. Mass market games put it much higher up, but very often the people making the UI don't have the skills to pull it off.


P.S. Rick, I would assume it is your ISP, or the fact that the Jumbo pic was not compressed for web use (300dpi still!!). I am about 1500 miles away from our server and things are snappy on this end.

[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-12-99).]

[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-12-99).]

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Thanks for the word on the download time. I plan on changing to one of the new mega-bandwidth services after I move. I tried your site out on a demo cable modem system. Really cool the videos download in under 10 secs, I would estimate.

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Guest KwazyDog

The interesting thing in the Halftrack-a-go-go image is the fact that one of the victory location on the other side of the contested town has actually been captured by the Germans.

It would be interesting to know how this came about smile.gif

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About that Jumbo screenshot: is that an old image? Not to be hypercritical, but it doesn't look correct. The main gun seems to be pointing in a direction away from turret facing. Also the suspension is flatter than most of the other model close-ups.

The flames on the Easy Eight in the background, on the other hand, look great. Much better than the flames displayed in the movies posted 4 months ago (jeez, summer's winding down already. Poopy).

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Guest Big Time Software

KwazyDog... yes, the Germans already have the small town at the end of the map. That is because the massive PzGren formation you see is the relief force wink.gif

The shot is old, but the Jumbo hasn't changed much, if any, since that shot. The gun probably looks wrong (it isn't) because the barrel is off centered in the mantlet. That is the crazy way that one was built (I have no idea why!). And the suspension of all vehicles is that flat. Just at that angle it is more noticable. I don't even want to think about the extra DAYS it would take to model the suspension system only to have Charles tell me that the polygon count is too high (might add 50-100% to the total count for the model). Gotta bow to technology limitations somehow wink.gif


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Guest KwazyDog

Thanks Steve, I figured it would be something like that smile.gif Out of interest, in a campaign game, is it possible set up this situation where you may have a group requiring relief 3-4 k's behind enemy lines, and have a second force that has to get to them to relieve them.

I guess this basically mean there will be two battles on two different fronts (one fighting to reach the group, and the group fighting for survival), which is probably out of the scope of things. Just was wondeirng smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

No, you can't play out two battles at the same time in a campaign. that would be unplayable wink.gif I can't remember if you can do the split forces thing in a campaign game (the rear one wouldn't fight until the front one got to it). I know we came to a definate conclusion months ago, but I can't recall what the answer was!


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Guest KwazyDog

Yup, thats about what I thought Steve, hehe smile.gif I guess the force you are relieving in this type of situation would be best simulated by a victory location (ie. the goal of the campaign.

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I've got to agree with Doug on this one. That Jumbo does look odd. I think the problem is one of perspective. If you look at the end of the barrel there is no opening and it looks like its pointing away although everything else in the drawing indicates it is pointing toward you.


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I've looked at the pics and I can see what everyone's saying but I think the reason it looks strange is that that Jumbo is on a slope and at an angle to us.

You're getting a 45 degree 3/4s view of the front and side of the Sherman whose gun is angled downards and rightwards while its body is angled upwards and tilted to the right.

Sure as hell is more complicated than simply looking at head on views in traditional books eh? Obviously this is one of those optical trick-type 1 in a 100 shots wink.gif.

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I dunno if I actually said this before, but this game is looking really good. That winter screenshot is AWESOME. Really showcases 3D terrain. I'd like to get all the people on the various NGs who complained that "the graphics are going to be as crude as DOOM" to look at this one.

'Course, then a whole other contingent would say "they're concentrating too much on graphics; it'll play too much like DOOM."

Some people, if you gave them the world on a silver platter, they'd complain that gold was "their" color.


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Guest KwazyDog

I agree Doug, the winter shots really do look great. Has anyone else noticed up until now wargames on a snow map look rather bland? Even CC3 managed to do this, with its hand drawn maps.

CM certainally gives a whole new feeling to the snow scenes. smile.gif

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh............drooling uncontrollably, must have game.....

Screen shots looking great, and as always seem to be getting better all the time. Nice work. Don't let any of the naysayers / non-3d converted let you be swayed as far as what you've done. As far as I'm concerned you are right on track w/ the graphics in this game.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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