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AARs all around!

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How's about this idea?

We are all waiting with baited breath to be able to play CM.

Most people, through their ISP, have some amount of web storage space available to them.

As we all play our games, if we were as diligent as Fionn and Martin, we could all post a series of AAR's for our battles on our individual spaces.

Perhaps (hint, hint) we could also get Battlefront to host a link page to these different AAR locations, and players could link back to BF.

Relatively little cost to BF, potential for much more exposure of CM, thereby generating hopefully more sales. And we all get the chance to see how other people are doing, the tactics that work and, ruefully, those that don't. Sort of a proxy for all that advice you should be getting from your non-com's before you do something stupid on the battlefield.

I for one, plan to post my own AAR's once I start playing.

Oh, and a short tutorial from Martin, Fionn and Patrick on how to get such great AAR's would be appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 09-16-99).]

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Hell Herr Oberst,

If people are willing I would absolutely love to get everyone to submi their AARs to the TGN CM site where we'll host them without any size limits or other problems.

So far I've sent in over 30 Mbs of pictures.. Altogether this AAR is probably gonna hit 100 Mbs of pictures (gulp). I don't think its practical to post these on multiple tiny servers but, so long as they don't get too huge, I'm sure that they'd have a place on the TGN CM section.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a central place to go for AARs ? Let me know what you all think about this. If people like the idea I can organise it.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Hey Fionn, DEAL!

If TGN will front the space, I'm sure that there will be no lack of participation. I'd like to see some sort of QA on the AARs. A simple "I moved here and got blown up." should NOT suffice. The AARs you and Martin have provided are excellent examples of what I'd like to see, not just what happened, but why it was planned, what the assumptions were, etc. (I guess that's sort of volunteering to assist)

But I don't want all your playing time to be taken away by posting everyone else's AAR's. Now THAT would be a real bummer. But I imagine there's no need to worry about that... wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 09-17-99).]

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Herr Oberst: Agreed. AARs are best when they provide more than a simple description of gameplay.

I prefer those that recap the starting situation, tell the "story" as if it were a report of a battle and not a game, include comments on the commander's perceptions and decisions, and have a "lessons learned" section at the end.

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Sorry guys, but I really dont see myself reading endless AAR's of other peoples battles.

As for having AAR's from maybe the top ten ladder players or 5 to 10 turn long specific depictions of tactics, how they were implemented and to what effect would be great.

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Yes, I think the AAR you learn most from is the guy who writes "I had 10 King Tigers so I advanced straight down the main road without conducting any preliminary recon... 10 minutes later I had 23 crewmen trying to run back to German lines as the Sherman 75s swarmed all over me.. Here's what I did wrong." wink.gif

BTW AARs wouldn't be compulsory.. I just aim to provide a little bit for everyone so that everyone find the TGN CM site as useful as it can possibly be.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Pender

If you play testers can find time, yes please post your ARR's. I hope ARR's will still be posted after CM is released. Thank you Fionn and Martin for the great ARR's you have provided so far, keep em coming.

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I agree with the general sentiment here. I find the AAR's educational, but I wouldn't have the time to read swarms of them. I've enjoyed Fionn's and Martin's work a great deal. Perhaps, to save Martin, Fionn, and the beta testers some time, shorter AAR's would be a good comprimise. I'm willing to see some sacrifice in the depth of future AAR's so that our writers can actually get a bit of free time smile.gif

It's nice to see so much effort being put in by people without a stake in the game. A very good sign.

Justin Hoerter

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I like AARs and I like the ones posted by Fionn and Martin. But if they were going to be others, they could be less detailed, since the present ones have the additional purpose of showing how the game works. Of course style is a question of personal taste, but AARs that can be read at one sitting along the lines of those posted for otehr games such as Steel panthers and East Front would be nice.

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Thanks Brian smile.gif

Another something we could do would be to put together bits and piece's from various AAR's on a specific topic. Such as "defending against tanks with infantry" or "AT gun ambushes".

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Excellent idea Lokesa. I'd like to see more like Fionn's AT gun ambush as well.

Justin Hoerter

PS might be a good case for showing CM's scouting mechanics. Something in the vein of Steve's suggested battle in the scouting thread. A non-turn-by-turn portrayal of the 20 minutes of initial scouting, then the entrance of the main force.

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I raise my hand in support of this idea.

And since I'm not the world's greatest writer, you can be guaraneed my AARs will be short. I think a great part of the fun of CM will be discussing battles and tactics with other players. The amount of messages on this forum show that there is no shortage of interest in discussion of CM and it is still a few months away from completion.


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