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Singleplayer vs Multiplayer mode

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Single player for me also. The beauty of computer games for me when I was a kid (back in the early eighties) was the very fact I could play something I enjoyed without having to find someone who was also into they type of games I was into. I had a few board wargames and RPG's when I was a kid that never got played as I knew no one to play against. SO computer games where a god send.

The only game I play multiplayer is Red Orchestra 1 and 2.

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Thats the main reason I don't bother. Well I hate being tied to a game and will start to resent it as I like to play what i want for aslong as I want. Also after playing against a human playign against the AI will never feel the same again so in effect it will ruin a game for me. This happened to me with the Squad Battles series. I didn't like "having" to play it to get a turn off and never actually playing it long enough to get into it yet when I stopped PBEM I found it lacking against the AI which I never had had before hand. So in effect ruining the series for me:)

So thats why I now stick to single play only unless it's an FPS like Red Orchestra.

Since I picked up pbem a month ago I can't seem to go back to single player.
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Solitaire is the only way I play. The only way I've played for the last 30 years.

That's kinda sad, Michael. Let me know if you want to try a CM PBEM, seriously.

As for myself, my best guess it that 80-90% of my CM play is multiplayer (100% PBEM). Occasionally I will play against the AI, but that is rare.

This doesn't hold true for other computer games, however. Most of them I play single player mode. I would like to play Starcraft 2 multiplayer, but it seems that everyone wants to play at Fastest speed, and I would much rather play at Slow. So basically I suck at Starcraft 2 and have to content myself with the AI.

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Let me know if you want to try a CM PBEM, seriously.

Thanks for the kind offer—seriously—and if I were 40 years younger I might well have taken you up on it. But the die was cast (no pun intended) long ago. I am comfortable with the way I play and mean to stick with it to the end.


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