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Scenario Army Composition

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i ve been making some scenario to play with my brother and to test my patience/amateur skills in making maps and i made one. i am pretty satisfied with the map , got the elevation on key places right and all that stuff that make the map balanced but one last part of the scenario needs to be done and that is army composition + deployment zones, specially army composition.

i am not sure what would be realistic and fun army composition for defender/attacker for this map.

here are details:

(cmbn2.12 base game)

Day 13:00

Late June

Light wind


battle size: Medium



Map screenshot

(blue= american setup zone,yellow = german setup zone,black = bridges)

X = destroyed bridge

so its a map where defender(germans) defends bocage and church and then retreats across the bridge(if attacker penetrates first and 2nd line), the only way Us attackers can assault the island/other part of the map is via bridge that is infront of the church. The only goal is that farm or road that leads to the Highway (fictional highway for now). based on that , i need to make some army compositions that would make this scenario bloody and progressive


anyone got some very good Army compositions for both sides?

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First of all how much do you and your brother insist on playing with tanks? I ask as it will determine my suggestions to an extent. The other thing is how large do you want your forces to be?

Basically for starters, I would give the Germans about a company of infantry, but maybe not fully up to strength. Maybe they should have an ATG or two if the US has any armor. Give them a couple of extra HMGs above what comes with the company. They should have an off map battery of mortars on call. If you are armor fanatics, throw in a StuG III or two or a couple of PzKw. IVs.

The US side should get a full company of infantry and at least a platoon of tanks. If the Germans are getting armor, these should be Shermans. Otherwise, Stuarts will probably be okay, but maybe increase them to two platoons. BTW, one of your tanks per platoon should have a hedgerow cutter. The US should also get a battery of off map mortars in addition to the light mortars in the company HW platoon.

You can add to or subtract from that as suits your fancy, but maybe it will get you started.

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I get the impression that's quite a small map. Reinforced-Company-on-Company will be bloody indeed, I'd say.

Yeah, I went with that because the troop concentrations in Normandy were pretty dense. Not like on the Eastern Front where a company might be tasked to defend as much as a kilometer.


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BTW, speaking of the map, one thing that has bothered me is the blown bridge behind a long section of the front. Troops in that section not only lack a secure retreat route, they also cannot be resupplied once the shooting starts. I guess it would be possible to simply not station any troops on that portion of the map though. But in that case the German garrison should be proportionately reduced. Unless you'd rather restore the bridge.


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BTW, speaking of the map, one thing that has bothered me is the blown bridge behind a long section of the front. Troops in that section not only lack a secure retreat route, they also cannot be resupplied once the shooting starts. I guess it would be possible to simply not station any troops on that portion of the map though. But in that case the German garrison should be proportionately reduced. Unless you'd rather restore the bridge.


yeah thats what i am thinking. i wanted to have 2 bridges but my opponent says its hard to defend 2 bridges.(actually we had 2 bridges in version 1 of the map and we played that map and i won, he surendered while he was retreating his last platoon onto the island via that bridge) but tbh island didnt have bocage and walls so he thought he would lose anyway

thats why i am asking for army composition, back then i had 6 platoons of veteran 101st airbourne,4 shermans 4 halftrucks, enginieer platoon and 2-3 lmg teams + x4 105 mm howitzers.

he had x2 75mm howitzers(off map) x1 88flak gun x1 elite tiger x1 75mm pak 40 and 1 full company of regular grenadiers


now i belive that with added bocage and farms/walls he can defend island very well (also around island there is a hill that prevents me from seeing anything on the island except few spots near that river/marsh

on your previous post: we usually like to play small/medium infantry battles with 1-5 tanks in total. like 85% infantry 15% rest

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