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Pausing the action

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Will we be able to pause the action during an execution phase? I'm asking this question with the following scenario in mind: I'm at work and decide to secretly start up a game of Combat Mission. Right in the middle of an execution phase my boss walks in! I hit the pause button and ALT-TAB back to the Windows desktop and restore my work on the screen. My boss says, "Looking good, Marko. Working hard?" I reply, "Yes master." He says, "That's good to hear." Finally, he leaves the room, I restore Combat Mission, unpause it and execution recommences.

As you can see, in addition to the pausing capability, I'm also hoping for the ability to ALT-TAB back to the desktop. Nearly all 3D games take over the whole screen, and some won't allow you to get back to the Windows desktop without quitting the game. I'm not sure if Mac people have this problem.


P.S. Some people are devoted to their careers. Others play Combat Mission. smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... I like your PS quote.

Yes, you can Alt-Tab out of CM in Windows (or hit Esc. for the Mac version). However, Chairman Bill was not really interested in making this work 100% of the time, so colors might be screwed up. During playback there are VCR styled control buttons, allowing you to pause, fast forward/reverse, stop, and rewind.


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Thanks, that's exactly what I was hoping for. I just realised that Chairman Bill can buy a billion copies of Combat Mission. But, really, there is no difference between having a billion copies of Combat Mission and one copy! Therefore, the day I receive Combat Mission I will be as rich as Chairman Bill. smile.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, not to give the impression that RTS gamers have little understanding of real strategy (I still play Warcraft2 and TotalAnnihilation on occassion) but...

List of most frequently heard RTS gamers' comments if they play CM:

1) What do you MEAN I can't take out one of your tanks with 24 rifle-firing infantry?

2) Why didn't my tank rush work?

3) You must be cheating; I can't find your base!

4) Hey!! My guys ran away from your tanks! That's not fair! How do you expect me to command when my troops won't do exactly as I say every time?!


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