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German Sniper Training film!

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Los put up a YT link on GDF for a German training film on the infantry platoon in the attack. Look what I found in the sidebar! It's a captured Luftwaffe sniper training film with English VO. Not a snippet, but an hour and eight minute's worth of the nitty gritty of sniper training an the enormous cost of making mistakes in the field--dead sniper.


John Kettler

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John, that is such a wonderful film, thank you sir! I don't like to admit, I saw this classic a few years ago. Just in case you didn't know, there is a possibly higher quality version of this superb film on archive.org you are free to download at any time: https://archive.org/details/germansnipers

Speaking of free archive.org videos, there's a good collection of various vintage American training films you might be interested in too.. here's a random one I found: https://archive.org/details/gov.dod.dimoc.29862 FUNDAMENTALS OF SMALL ARMS WEAPONS - PART I THE CYCLE OF OPERATION (1945), for example.

Don't forget to watch the German WWII Newsreels on there too... or what about Panzer im Angriff (1944), U-Boote am Feind (1943).. etc.



The only reason I mention archive.org is just that sometimes (not always) it is a higher quality version than one might find on youtube (and of course there are *some* rare videos on there, banned on youtube).


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You're welcome! I know the Internet Wayback Machine, but pretty much tuned out the rest. Oops! Love newsreels! Sure, they're propaganda, but to the discerning eye, they're often gold. From what I've seen so far of the German films, the technical quality is markedly worse than YT. Pretty awful at full screen. The Panzer film's on YT, but sans the tutorial graphics. Resolution's much better.Am I missing something? Tried one on the Pioneers, but it didn't work.


John Kettler

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