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Order CombatMission from Chips & Bits!

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Picked up the August '99 ComputerGamingWorld mag yesterday. Page 163, add for Chips&Bits, in the :War section, is a listing for "CombatMission" for $45.99. And, according to them, the game was supposed to ship 6/99.

Is this a different CM, or is BTS a month late in shipping the game to retailers? :)

Honestly, what's up with that? Do retailers think that indie developers don't check on these things, or don't have loyal, devoted, screen-shot seeking fans checking for them?


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Maybe someone from BTS should put in a pre-order. It might be interesting to see how C&B deals with the people who pre-ordered a game they can't deliver. Hopefully they'll do the right thing and direct all those folks to battlefront. The worse option would be some terse "BTS refuses to distribute Combat Mission through us" email. Anyway, it would be interesting to see.


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Guest Big Time Software

I've spoken with the C&B people twice now, and it is still there?!? ARGH!!! Well, hopefully third time will be a charm...


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Guest Big Time Software

I spoke to Chips & Bits and it seems they have removed all mention of Combat Mission being for sale. Doug must have run into something old. Anyhoo, the Chips & Bits folks are good people so all is fine.


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