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Windows 8 and Combat Mission BFN

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I have the entire gambit of games and

Win 8 works fine.

Win 8.1 borks everything. Do not update if you do not have to.

Win 8.1 plays CM just fine, but in had to submit a ticket to have the DRM recognise it again.

Win 8.1 does Bork loads of things in windows, including Microsoft products for me. Outlook and IE don't work properly, not to mention half my other programmes. I would have thought that microsoft products at least would have worked! Needless to say I haven't updated any other PC to 8.1.

CMBN does work OK though, although my performance seems to have dipped slightly over win 8, especially in the larger scenarios. Not sure what's going on there. Strangely my 8 year old laptop gives decent results with the game, occasionally eclipsing my 2 year old PC. Weird.

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Yes, I had thought that at least my MS products would work properly. I am giving myself self-exile until my class is done Dec 1st. then will look at my ticket and get things fixed up.

I told my boys to hold off updating (and my oldest will not even think about moving from Win 7). What a crappy product to release though. makes me think of moving to Apple if MS does not get their act together.

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