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New file at the Repository: Death's Head II QB - ME (2013-07-03)

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Death's Head II - Meeting Engagment QBThis is a variation of the original "Death's Head" QB map that removes the center objectives only. This gives the battle a different feel. Since the map can be taken different ways players will have to put more emphesis on probing to find weak points."Death's Head II" is an artsy, novelty meeting engagment QB map that is just meant to be fun, and interesting. Being an artist I wanted to see how creative I could get with the editor. The landscape has a surreal quality, but the combat feels as real as any other map.1k x1k sizeDawn lighting setting recommendedMed, or Large force recommended2 objectives on each side of the map worth 100pts each.HvH onlyHave fun and enjoy!Designed by Vin (vinnart)


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Here is what the map looks like from above. Remember it is HvH only. Currently I am learning, and experimenting with AI to make it single player also from either side. When I feel I have the AI giving a decent fight I will update it for single player. Until then give it a try PBEM. I think you will find the landscape ineresting, and different. If anyone has any good tips for making good, challenging AI plans for a ME map I would appreciate them.


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I have read George McEwan's scenario manual, which has certainly been helpful, but what I am trying to do isn't as cut and dry it seems for QB ME as opposed to a scenario with picked units. I looked at a few AI plans from other QB's, and I did see that more than 1 group can be used, or at least the plans are there. However, my test shows that all the units seem to still go into one group, and follow that groups plan.

What I want is for the AI to spread out along a long front, then advance in different directions. I am getting them to do it, but the AI is having some units move out very diagonally to order 2. Units move for example from the right side of the set up zone diagonally to position on the left sides frontage. This is not how a human would deploy. I want them to move straight to deploy along a wide front.

Is it possible to have more than 1 group for AI plans for a QB ME?

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Apparently what i was doing wrong was not setting to "used sometimes" instead of “used frequently” to get the AI to use groups in a QB more like a scenario. I changed it to this, and now they are deploying much more like I would, or at least they did in my last test. They went straight, and fast.

The next question is it really better to paint just over objectives, and let the AI decide best way to get there, or to paint in paths of advance to get them there to make sure they stay in good cover? I really want the AI to make good choices to advance smart.

Also are wider painted areas for orders better, or are thinner lines?

What setting is best to get the AI to keep some units back on an objective to defend while some of the group advances?

What is major difference between advance, and assault as far as AI is concerened?

Guys if you never watched a game in scenario test mode it is very cool. It is like watching another person play much like I envision an observer would see the game watching a RT multi-multiplayer.

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