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Sound issues


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BTS - what improvements will be made to the sound design for the final version? Or better yet, what is on your sound "wish list" for future versions?

Here are some areas that I think could be improved:

1) voices: too repetitive, not enough variation, incongruous with action and status of troops and therefore not very informative or helpful.

2) burning sounds: disproportionately loud, sounds cut in and out very abruptly

3) tank hit sounds: it is always the same "CLUNK" when a tank gets taken out. Some variations on this would be more exciting.

4) sounds in relation to camera position: I think this could use some tweaking. Sometimes it works good, but it just seems a little off. The sounds seem disproportionate to each other. A man yelling "Let's go!" should not be heard from across the map, while the machine gun next to him should be.

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Guest Big Time Software

Hey there,

1. We have lots of new voices, and a lot more variety. As for the voices not being tagged well to the actions, I don't understand. They voices are designed for specific actions and so far we haven't seen any bugs where this is not the case. So if you could cite some examples that would be helpful.

2. Yeah, I think that has been toned down since the demo.

3. Good point. Not sure what is planned for this, but will pass it along.

4. I agree that the voices are a little too loud. Shouldn't be hard to tweak.


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I think #1 was because of #4, actually. So nevermind on that one.

With regard to #3: I'm glad you like the idea.

You could also have some sounds that are related to the "detailed armor hit" messages. For example, if the message says that there was a tread hit, then you could have a "broken tread" sound. Or if it is a turret hit, then there could be a special sound for that (no idea what that would be). I guess my point is that after a while you would be able to tell what happened to a vehicle by listening instead of reading those messages.

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Guest Charles

I know this MAY not be realistic (putting on asbestos suit now cause it's already getting warm in here), but could you increase the probability of hearing the sound of a richochet? The only reason I ask is because it sounds so cool. Makes me really feel I am "there."

In general, the sound Fx's are great, but I think you did an especially good job on the sound of bullet and tank rounds bouncing around. Thanks.


Not THE Charles from BTS

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I think Steve should take some members of the Panzermuseum hostage until they fire up their vehicle collection for the tape recorder. Imagine: see a Tiger, hear a Tiger! One might be able to tell what sort of vehicle lurks over the hill be the sound it makes. This would be neat, but short of the hostage idea, I don't know how BTS could acquire the sounds.

Say, come to think of it, if BTS tries out the hostage concept maybe they would also get some good insight into a new mission for Rainbow Six....


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