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Multiplayer Idea

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Would it be possible to have a team play mode? What I'm thinking is the player can only see what their leader sees and players communicate with other leaders through a chat box. Only leaders connected to the C2 network can send/recieve messages in the chatbox.

Idk how difficult it would be to implement but the effect could be awesome. Can you imagine a full battalion strength engagement of 12 v 12 in real time? With players sending reports up the chain of command and orders traveling around. There would be a true fog of war and the level of leadership and teamwork required would make for some exciting games. Is such a thing possible?

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'would be possible' as in 'theoretically would be possible' - yes. Curently - no. 'would be nice' - yes. 'will be done in forseeable time' - no (I guess).

What can be done with the current system is multiple players per side who share the commands through a save file. Details here:


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I brought up RT multiplayer way back, and although Steve thought it would be fun they had no immediate plans, or budget to go that way which is unfortunate. Real Time shines the most multiplayer that is more than 1v1. It is like the difference playing a shooter alone, or with a bunch of people. The teamwork with a bunch of intelligent humans is much more satisfying, and fun.

My concept of such a game is based on my experience playing the real time ww2 game “Sudden Strike”. For CM I imagine games that are either battalion, or company size battles per side with the max being a 5v5. Each player would command a platoon, or company. The game would have active, and passive observer slots per side. The passive observer can watch the game, but does not control any units. The active observer would command the higher HQ units only. This type of approach actually offers much realism, as in reality different people are commanders working together. I have been meaning to put this concept game into a visual presentation. I think I will finally get it together as I think other would have interest in the concept. I know I would be interested in playing CM like that.

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