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QT videos

Guest Lokesa

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Guest Lokesa

I just checked out the quick time videos again. Thats some sweet stuff, and it's just gameplay! it's not cut scenes from between battles but the battle itself. Anyone who hasn't checked these out should, immediately smile.gif

BTW, I thought, although short, "Advance" was especially cool. The sound+camera angle, neat.

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I liked the film clip of the King Tiger on the hilltop dominating the valley floor in front of it, ESPECIALLY when, about 2/3 of the way through, you can clearly hear somebody on the field of battle scream "ARGH!" This sound also shows up on the film clip that starts with the over head view of the Sherman column advancing past the dead Stuarts. This will be one that I'll have to play with headphones on, else those around me will call the police and report a bloody massacre going on in my room. :)



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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, the sound MAKES the game IMHO. We haven't had much discussion of game sounds (because it is hard to do that), but they really do a whole bunch to bring you into the battlefield.


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Forgive my ignorance, but where are these QuickTime videos that people speak of? I've gone to the downloads section, and I've seen some game demo executables, patches, and other things, but no movies. I'd be very interested in seeing them if I could find them. Any help appreicated.

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