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Convoy system

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Hi Hubert or Bill or someone who knows

I have been wondering whether I really understand the convoy system so could I please give some examples.

The Solomon Islands are featured as a minor country ally with a city Kukum (not accurate to be a city historically but never mind). There is no convoy associated with the Solomon Islands so does the UK get a city worth of MPP credit as long as it is owned?

Nauru is defined as British teritory - does the UK get MPP credit for the phosphate mine on Nauru?

If Japan captures Nauru, does Japan get any credit for the mine? if Germany has captured UK would it be Japan or Germany that got the credit for Nauru? Does it matter that there is no convoy back to Germany from the UK?

I note that the raid icons by Nauru actually reduce the supply for the mine but there are no equivalent raid icons off Kukum to reduce the supply of the city there. Is there any reason why Kukum's MPPs are not interdicted?

The only Axis convoys from captured India go to Japan. What happens if India is actually captured by the Italians or Germans? Would Japan still get her convoys? If I made these convoys less than 100% would the remainder go to whichever Axis country had captured India or are they lost? If Japan owned the port of origin for the convoy (Calcutta) but did not own all the cities in India because some were German, how would the convoy value be calculated?

I notice in the Convoy scripts that UK typically takes 30-40% of the MPP income via convoys whereas if Japan captures these locations her convoys take 100%. Is this because the UK still gets to spend the 60 - 70% MPPs that she does not take via convoys, notionally as in country spend, whilst Japan has to take 100% or else the remaining MPPs are lost?



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Hi Mike

What happens with income from conquered territory is that the occupier gains the MPP worth of the resource per strength point multiplied by the strength of the resource.

However, if there is a convoy in place from the conquered country to its conqueror, then the convoy % you've mentioned is the % of the above that the conqueror receives.

Thus if there is a country which would provide 100 MPPs to its conqueror if there is no convoy script in place, then by adding a convoy and selecting a % of say 50%, then the conqueror will only receive 50 MPPs a turn from that country.

This enables us to fine tune the economic value of different areas, for either historical or game balance reasons, or a mixture of them both.


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Hi Bill

Thank you for your answer - I presume the same applies to a minor ally and the value above the convoy % is just lost or notionally used by the country for its own non-war purposes. Interestingly that makes India worth more to Japan with its 100% convoys than to the UK which was only taking 50% or less and spending that on the Indian Army!

For major countries helping each other the player has the option to vary the % within certain limits from the convoy screen. Thus the Allied player can cut back on the UK convoy to the USSR if there are too many U Boats active on the route. I wonder if the AI ever makes that type of decision.

As far as I can tell Japan just acquires all the available MPPs from captured Chinese cities without needing to convoy them. I did think for a while that they might get added to the Manchuria convoy but that does not seem to be the case. I suppose it is a fair argument that the war in China was costing a huge amount to be spent in China so a lot of the booty would be retained there rather than shipped home.



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Hi Bill

Thank you for your answer - I presume the same applies to a minor ally and the value above the convoy % is just lost or notionally used by the country for its own non-war purposes. Interestingly that makes India worth more to Japan with its 100% convoys than to the UK which was only taking 50% or less and spending that on the Indian Army!

That's correct, but capturing and holding India is not generally going to be easy for Japan, and economically it's still not necessarily worth the effort - especially if the convoy route is interdicted.

As far as I can tell Japan just acquires all the available MPPs from captured Chinese cities without needing to convoy them. I did think for a while that they might get added to the Manchuria convoy but that does not seem to be the case. I suppose it is a fair argument that the war in China was costing a huge amount to be spent in China so a lot of the booty would be retained there rather than shipped home.

Yes, as Manchuria and China are separate countries, the income Japan receives from them is kept separate in the calculations.

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For future plans it could be very helpful when the developer integrate some screens, maybe by clicking a F button, that shows the economic parts or/and the (hidden) statistic parts. I mean the player press let's say the F4 button and the own/friendly cities/recources are listet and how much any of them gains for the nations income.

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