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What does Breakthrough! add?

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Lots of details got improved.

  • The AI moves and attacks more efficient
  • Neutral countries improve their armies during the war (making them better equipped if attacked later in the campaign)
  • More National Morale targets (examples: the UK will get a shock if Egypt gets lost, as does Germany once their neutral Trade partners in Scandinavia or the Netherlands stop to trade with them)
  • The report menu shows losses now in in percente values if you move your mouse cursor over a graphic
  • new and improved supply rules

I wouldn't start a standard SC WW1 game anymore, even though i could. Breakthrough made SC WW1 even more complete.

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There have been quite a few improvements to the main grand campaign with Breakthrough!, in addition to the engine and AI improvements Xwormwood has listed above.

An important set of changes relate to Romania, whose mobilization will increase if the Russians capture the Austro-Hungarian fortresses, and also if Trento-Trieste is transferred to Italy. This opens up more possibilities in the Balkans than we had before, and also helps make the Trento-Trieste decision more balanced.

The importance of Romania as a source of food has also been added, so that If Romania joins the Entente then Austria-Hungary will lose 50 National Morale points per turn to represent the loss of vital food imports, for as long as Romania is in the war.

It is therefore now more beneficial for the Central Powers to keep Romania neutral, and both more possible and more beneficial for the Entente to entice them into entering the war.

Staying in the Balkans, Bulgaria will now withdraw from the war when Germany's National Morale is below 10% and there are two Entente units within 3 tiles of Sofia. Previously it had to be conquered, so now we can have a historical Bulgarian surrender.

Moving further south, a few changes have been made to make a landing at Gallipoli a more attractive proposition. Not only are amphibious transports slightly cheaper, but the cost to the British of occupying Lemnos has been reduced, and in addition, two Entente land units adjacent to Gallipoli will now reduce the defender's morale every turn, thus making it easier to take.

These are just a small selection of all the many changes, and I hope they give you a better idea of what Breakthrough! has to offer over and above the base game.


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