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Minor nations values?

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Playing 1.07 here.

Is there a list of the MPP's that each minor nation comes with and gives to the controlling major? Or that suggests the benefits that alliances can bring? Beyond the bit in the strategy guide, I mean.

For example:

Persia gives the oil wells and, for the CP, potential access to Baku. Because of the only single unit though declaring war and invading is probably more cost effective.

For CP Sweden can take some Finnish cities. Is it worth the investment, though? Are the MPPs Sweden brings as an ally equal to what you get via trade?

Again for CP, Spain easily takes Granada (which is worth significant NM points and cuts English trade with Egypt) and French colonies (also worth NM).

Switzerland provides an excellent way to invade Germany for the allies and Italy for the CP. Not worth much in MPP.

Portugal doesn't seem worth it even though it starts out 60% of the way there.

Also, is there any real way to get Greece or Romania to join the CP or Bulgaria the Allies? Romania was a German ally before the war started.

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There is no list as such but it can be worked out.

Generally the income from a Minor can be calculated by adding up the MPP value of their resources, and this is dependent on their strength, i.e. 5 or 10 if connected to a Major power via rail.

The exception is those countries that provide income via convoys, and the best thing I can suggest would be in Hotseat mode to declare war on the various countries and see - in the opposing turn - how much the convoy is providing to their new owner.

I have invaded Persia a few times, and although it can be conquered, the expedition does take your units involved out of the more important theaters for some time.

I think that Portugal is probably the most worthwhile of the Minors listed.

To get Greece to join the CP would require a massive diplomacy effort early on, and because Romania covets Austro-Hungarian territory, it would be very hard to get them to join the CP. Diplomacy would be the only way with these, and Bulgaria, but I doubt that it would be worth it due to the in-game triggers leading all three to join their historical sides.

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In a PBEM game SC Breaktrhough I have got Greece to join the CP. It was already 85% mobilized proCP before I made my diplomatic move, I think that was because the Venizelos event failed and maybe also beacuse my opponent was trying some actions in Thracia against Ottomans.

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Why do you consider Portugal the best? Is it simply because it requires the least effort?

I find Spain (taking out French colonies, which lowers their NM) and Switzerland (easy invasion route for either side) to be most worthwhile. Granted, I have yet to find somebody to play in MP against so perhaps in MP it's different.

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