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Brute Force 1939 Scenario has words on map edges?

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I am new to this game and I was wondering if there was a problem with the brute force scenario since there were some land mass in the middle of the map and on its edges and there were writings about the scenario.

Is it supposed to be like that? I was also wondering if there is a scenario where I would only control Germany only or just one country because it is too much for me to handle Germany, Japan and Italy as of the moment

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The two Brute Force campaigns were put together by a different designer from the rest of the campaigns and follow a bit of a different layout to accommodate the world map.

Essentially everything you see in the campaign as described is intended.

Currently the AI plays only a single side, either Axis or Allies and you have to control your entire side but the option to play just one country or a few countries on your side is something we are considering for the future.


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