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National morale and 1.07

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I have tried to learn how to play the game by following the 1914 after action report, which was excellent.

However, the key to keeping up National morale during that AAR was to capture enemy cities and resources, which caused a NM boost. That is no longer true, due to the recent patches. While the NM boost enabled the Central Powers to have morale around ninety even late in the game, which is not realistic, the current situation is that CP Nm falls too quickly, regardless of their success in the east against Russia, Serbia, Rumania.

By the time I finished Russia and reached the campaign season in 1918, Germanys NM was below 20 in may, even though the treaty of Brest Litovsk had fired.

I must admit that the AI, which had been relentlessly attacking in the west, with huge amounts of upgraded artillery, wound up winning the game.

Any ideas on how to deal with the new NM situation, where it no longer goes up through conquest of resources and towns?

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Hi Vaalen

I'm a little confused as we haven't changed anything with regards to NM and the occupation of enemy resources, except that now you will no longer gain NM from occupied resources once the enemy Major it belongs to has surrendered. Is that the change you're thinking of?

If so, I'd be interested to know how it directly affects your strategy, so I can work out how that would affect Central Powers' strategy.

If that isn't the cause, then there might be something else at work.

It would also be good to hear if anyone else is having any difficulties relating to this.



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Hi Vaalen

I'm a little confused as we haven't changed anything with regards to NM and the occupation of enemy resources, except that now you will no longer gain NM from occupied resources once the enemy Major it belongs to has surrendered. Is that the change you're thinking of?

If so, I'd be interested to know how it directly affects your strategy, so I can work out how that would affect Central Powers' strategy.

If that isn't the cause, then there might be something else at work.

It would also be good to hear if anyone else is having any difficulties relating to this.



Hi Bill,

I think my original message was confusing, as I was somewhat confused, and I apologize for the confusion.

When I read the 1914 Call to Arms AAR, the CPs kept their national morale increasing by capturing enemy towns and resources, mainly in Russia.

When I played the same scenario as the CPs, I did not seem to get any increase in National Morale for capturing enemy resources. I did capture quite a few in Russia and Rumania, and Serbia.

I thought this increase had been patched out of the game, but you just wrote that the only change is that you no longer get NM increases only when the enemy major surrenders.

If that is the case, perhaps my accepting the treaty of Brest Litovsk had a role in this, but my morale was very low and decreasing even before I signed the treaty. I had occupied many russian resources. I was taking heavy casualties in the west from a lot of enemy artillery and constant attacks.

In terms of effecting my strategy, it has left me somewhat puzzled, but my new idea is to attack regularly in the west as well as the east, to try to weaken the french and british.

I deeply appreciate your taking the time to help me. This game is incredible, and the depth of support you are providing is terrific.

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Hi Vaalen

That's ok, and hopefully we can get to the bottom of it. :)

The main factor on NM will be casualties, and it can affect Germany's NM if she is fighting actively on two fronts at the same time, because the NM boost for occupying enemy resources will probably be more than offset by unit casualties.

One thing that might be a worthwhile strategy in the east is to switch largely to the defensive there once a good chunk of Russian territory has been captured. The reason being that due to the territory you occupy Russia's NM will continue to fall, while the lower tempo of operations might help with your NM.

The naval blockade will also have impacted, if it was vigorously enforced.

What was the status of Holland during your game? Did it remain favouring your side as a neutral, or did the enemy use diplomacy to get it to switch?


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Hi Bill,

I appreciate your patience. As for Holland, I did lose it for about five turns early in the game, but got it back with a big diplomatic investment and held onto it until the end. The morale hits from losing the Dutch food ended when they started trading with me again.

I was taking heavy losses in the west through most of 1916 and especially 1918, though I was inflicting them as well.

I will take your advice about ceasing attacks in the east, once a certain success has been reached. I will start a new game, taking your comments into account, and see what happens.

Thanks again,


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Hi Bill,

I started a new game as the Entente, so I could see German NM from a different viewpoint.

We are now in December, 1915, German national morale is already down to 54. The capture of cities in Poland did not increase their NM, even when they took Warsaw and several other cities over a several term period.

The Germans have had heavy losses, but Russia has suffered heavier losses than the Germans, yet has NM of 70. The Russians have lost much more in resources as well.

Is it possible that NM for Germany is not being increased by the resources they capture?

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It should be, and I did run a test when you first mentioned this. If you could perhaps email me a saved turn that would probably be best, as then I'll be able to check the maths and see what's happening.

If you can email it to bill.runacre@furysoftware.com that would be great.




I just sent the save game to your email.

At this point, in July, 1916, German morale is down to 32.

Another anomaly - US war entry percentage is at 0 percent, even though the Germans are using unrestricted submarine warfare. I am wondering if I somehow caused this by investing in US technology long before the US was anywhere near to entering the war.

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