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How to stop Russians?

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In my Pbem game(call to arms) after adequate advance through France(Paris not captured but they don't pose threat) I had problems defending eastern borders of Prussia and Silesia. Russians are numerous and Austrians retreated from Belgrade to help Silesia. But it seems they are outnumbered by Russians and incoming Serbs. How to stop Russians and does the player need to conquer Serbia as it seems it is very difficult to make them surrender.

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Hi Ataman

If the Russians are advancing in strength and the Austro-Hungarians cannot hold them, then transferring German forces from the west will probably be necessary.

Launching an offensive against the Russians where they are weaker might also be a good idea, so as to distract them from their aim.

Historically the Russians did capture both Austro-Hungarian fortresses, but German led offensives into Poland took the pressure off Austria-Hungary.

Conquering Serbia isn't as important as capturing their capital, Belgrade, and also Nish, because by doing so you will encourage Bulgaria to enter the war, and with their support Serbia will be easier to conquer.

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Hello Bill,

Now to think of it (At least in early game) there is slightly more Germans than French in western front so it is always better to move some of it when threat arise in east borders while western front relax a bit and do some entrenching.

Possible Bulgarian and Ottoman presence in their back door should definitely help.


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